You know, you should contact your doctor if you’re struggling with solvent abuse.
You know, you should contact your doctor if you’re struggling with solvent abuse.
That’s actually happened a couple of times in Denmark (accidentally and after the sketch was released) https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/utenriks/span-data-lab-colortxt-blue-classtxt-blue-idext-gen1386kamelasa/span-dansk-kjopmann-skulle-ha-270-liter-melk-fikk-2575-liter/7268663/
Cheese is the best source of protein for normal non-bodybuilder food.
Don’t forget the whole pretending that bird flu doesn’t exist thing.
Any one party political system can either fail or be maintained through violent oppression. People need to have a say in who represents them and what their values are.
A more sustainable solution than soviet style communism is to have proportional representation and work on instilling socialist virtues such as kindness, social responsibility, and fairness in the population. over time, the people in government will start to reflect those values.
I assumed that party members voted on who they put forward as their candidate.
Could you lot not just make her president (if you’re lucky enough to have another election)? I mean if a whole bunch of people registered as democrats for the sole purpose of making her the official candidate?
Hah! Get wrecked, cunt!
Just fucking try it you orange twat!
Are we calling him Cuck Schumer yet?
The only correct response is “uh yeah! I’m honestly a little disappointed you’re not a sponge. Would you be open to dressing like a sponge sometimes?”
In Norway your deposit is payed into a special account in your name and both parties have to agree to it’s release or settle in court. If the landlord takes some for repairs to abnormal damage (can’t charge for “normal wear and tear”) they have to provide proof that they used it for that (receipts etc).
Yes but its better that if people who are easily misled find .ml they don’t just see a bunch of propaganda with noone arguing about it. It makes it look more normal. The best thing is to constantly call them idiots and accuse them of solvent abuse. That way when gullible idiots come across it they know it’s stupid. A lot of people need to be told.
I’m not sure that’s a great idea in my case. A lot of my online activity is me talking about weird sex acts or ploughing femboys or joking about masturbating with probiotic yoghurt to treat yeast infections. So I’m pretty sure my kids don’t want to interact with that jaded fucking LLM.