High chance they’re all on Slsk as lossless files. That and foobar2000 and you’ll be back in control of your music listening habits. Then buy physical from the artists if you want to support them and they offer a way to obtain it.
High chance they’re all on Slsk as lossless files. That and foobar2000 and you’ll be back in control of your music listening habits. Then buy physical from the artists if you want to support them and they offer a way to obtain it.
A rabbit hops into a bakery and asks the baker, “Do you have any carrot cake?”
The baker replies, “Sorry, we don’t have any carrot cake.”
The next day, the rabbit returns to the bakery and asks again, “Do you have any carrot cake?”
The baker, a bit annoyed, says, “No, we still don’t have any carrot cake.”
This continues for several days. Finally, the baker gets fed up and decides to bake a carrot cake just for the rabbit.
The next day, when the rabbit comes in and asks, “Do you have any carrot cake?” the baker proudly says, “Yes, we have a fresh carrot cake just for you!”
The rabbit looks at the baker and says, “Yuck! I don’t like carrot cake!” and hops away.
Well it keeps people very busy, it seems. So what’s the point I am clearly missing here? It feels like we are living in that rabbit asking the bakery for a carrot cake joke.
Apple fixes bug: wHy dOeSn’t aPpLe eLaBoRaTe wHaT ThIs bUg wAs aBoUt
Apple elaborates: WhO Is gOnNa bElIeVe aPpLe
Capital flight takes time because investors must liquidate assets, navigate regulatory hurdles, and identify safer investments, all of which are complex and time-consuming processes. Population decay in Massachusetts due to current policies is expected as high taxes and living costs push residents to more affordable states, shifting the supply and demand curves for housing and labor. The supply curve for housing may increase, lowering prices, while the demand curve for labor may decrease, reducing wages. Over time, these economic adjustments can significantly impact population dynamics and economic stability in the state.
Linus is already a multimillionaire, he doesn’t need a pump and dump.
It’s not in the article. Unless you’re referring to their speculation:
Then there’s the bizarro version of delete where you’re quite convinced you’ve gone through every single device and deleted your photos permanently, and then a restore from an old iCloud backup or a pernicious little iOS bug resurfaces those photos. Surprise! That appears to be what triggered this latest incident.
Which is not what this bug was about at all.
Yeah it’s bad news reporting from Wired, but people seem to gobble it up as facts.
Not the nerds on Lemmy.
Do you have a source for that?
Because it’s fake news.
If you can’t own it you can’t steal it.
Thanks for donating!
Some corp: “Nobody wants to smoke anymore.”
Safari + Wipr is very solid too. Throw in a DNS filter for other stuff in my network, and I never see ads. Can’t speak for YT though because I ain’t using that. I’m using Control D for DNS, someone on Lemmy posted a small list with DNS alternatives a while back, and I don’t notice anything (negative) using it.