Anyway, I believe what you’re describing was coined as “eternal summer” many many years ago.
The same phenomenon was coined on Usenet many years before 4chan.
Dolphin 🐬
Therian 🐾
Australian 🇦🇺
Anyway, I believe what you’re describing was coined as “eternal summer” many many years ago.
The same phenomenon was coined on Usenet many years before 4chan.
Not to excuse this sort of behaviour, but at least they’re honest enough to say it’s about the money, instead of hiding behind excuses like “bUt sEcuRiTy vUlNeRaBiLiTieS”.
We need laws to prevent this kind of anti-consumer bullshit (yeah I know, a pipe dream) and for people to simply not give Haier their money, or data.
maintaining nuclear power plants with the highest appropriate levels of safety.
There’s your problem right there.
Nuclear power generation can probably be safe, in theory.
Nuclear power generation in our current late-stage capitalism where corporations, and even governments, will cut corners for the sake of profit and politics, is not.
It’s a cool technology, but I personally don’t trust the world with it right now.
Anyone who’s waiting on BG3 to be cheaper or GOTY edition or whatever, try Divinity: Original Sin 2. It’s amazing, and the definitive edition is only $13.50 USD right now. No need to have played the first one - I never did and D:OS2 is probably one of my favourite games of all time now.
Even Xbox is loosing to Sony and Nintendo despite being a decent product.
Xbox and Windows are both by Microsoft but they can’t even get that right.
I got a free trial for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that I’ve been using to play Starfield and a handful of other games on PC. But half the time I go to play it I either get a license error, which usually needs a full PC restart and signing in and out a few times to fix, or it constantly has to sync with the cloud. I can save my game, close it, not even switch off or restart my PC or even close the Xbox app, and later on when I go to play again it has to slowly synchronise my cloud save again. Why?! And if I want to make sure my save can be used on another device, I have to keep the app open for at least 10-15 mins after exiting the game so that the save can sloooowly upload to the cloud. I can upload things to YouTube, Google Drive, etc at 15+ Mbps but Xbox gaming services chugs along at 0.5 Mbps max. It’s infuriating.
Honestly, game pass is a pretty good value proposition (lack of game ownership aside), but with the issues I’ve been having I won’t be keeping it after my free time expires. If Steam has been able to handle license verification and cloud saves for years without problems, why can’t Microsoft get this shit right? /rant
Sorry, I really needed to vent about this.
The article: “I asked a really technical question from my PhD thesis, and it provided an answer that no one would be able to find without consulting people with very specific expertise."
Me waiting for the part where the AI hallucinated and he got an F on his thesis:
I mean, it might have worked out, but you have to be very careful when asking LLMs for factual information. I’ve tried it at my work and it gave me info that contradicted that from experts.
affordable streaming services
The AI is hallucinating again
Makes sense.
But is it just me that’s unaffected by such a script? I’m just like “Death threats? shrugs Fair enough.” Unity threatened a lot of dev’s livelihoods. What did they expect, for them all to just roll over and take it?
imo refunding after 10 hours is not the right thing to do, and could undermine the whole refund system if it becomes a common thing people do.
The original idea for allowing refunds for digital games (or anything, really) is if you get a broken or defective product. If the game won’t launch, or it’s a buggy unplayable mess, or not what was advertised (and I’m talking blatant false advertising, not some vague speculative comments) you get a refund. If you simply don’t like the game, then you need to own it that you made a bad purchase and move on. It happens.
This is why it’s important to wait for reviews and actual gameplay on YouTube/Twitch first, so you have a much better understanding of what you’re getting. Hell, this why YTers/streamers get free codes on release, so their audience will see the game and want to go buy it.
It’s been said a million times over but I guess it needs saying again: STOP 👏 PRE-ORDERING 👏 VIDEO 👏 GAMES
This is one of the greatest comments of all time
I’ve downloaded it on two devices already. It’s on the Starfield - Standard Edition page, not the premium edition one. The usual play button will say “Pre-load install”.
*gestures wildly at everything*
This is exactly why I’ve never played a Monster Hunter game, despite how fun it looks.
I don’t want to hunt the monster, I want to be the monster. Or at least befriend it and help take down the rude humans constantly trying to stab it.
If you’re coming over from reddit, try https://sub.rehab/
It lists most of the popular subs and their fediverse equivalents. E.g. the community you’re looking for sounds like Reddit’s r/showerthoughts, which has
communities in the fediverse.
Even if you haven’t used reddit, a lot of the sub names are pretty self-explanatory apart from some of the cryptic/memey named ones.
I’m a few months, there will be at least a 50% chance that comment or post you are replying to is a bot.
It already feels this way. A lot of them are the most basic comments or don’t make any sense at all.
While logged in, go to your settings (hamburger menu in top right > drop-down arrow on your profile name > settings) and there’s a second tab called “Blocks” - can you undo it from there?
And the IPO itself is a bad sign no matter who’s in charge. It means the company will be shareholder-driven, and so aiming for maximum profit (or just straight up not operating at a loss to start with). Line must always go up, so when things start to stagnate, or they reach saturation, more and more bold anti-consumer decisions will be made to extract higher profits. See Netflix and their crackdown on password-sharing.
It may not happen straight away, but it will eventually.
True. Risk of Rain Returns is amazing. But back when they announced ROR2 and that it would be a 3D environment I was like “how the heck is that going to work?” but they pulled it off. Clocked over 200 hours in that one (so far - haven’t even tried the DLC yet)