“People I don’t agree with are lying in bad faith.”
I have no interest in talking to you.
“People I don’t agree with are lying in bad faith.”
I have no interest in talking to you.
This is my exact same experience. I ask for someone to elaborate on their stance, get told (not accused, told) I’m trolling. Ask for explanation/definition of a concept, get called an idiot shitlib and told to read some theory. Ask for civility, get told I deserve abuse for “endorsing genocide”. (By the way, I absolutely oppose the genocide in Gaza. But I’m a genocide supporter I guess because I won’t flush my vote third party this November.)
Hexbear is a community that expects you to conform. Every time there is a post like this, someone comes out of the woodwork and says “They’re nice people if you talk like them and agree with them on everything.” It’s cool that you’re not getting abused, but abuse is coming from that space, whether or not it is happening to you.
It’s a shame because I would like to hear the nuances of their viewpoints, but I can never get them to tell me what they are. Always complaining that nobody tries to understand, but dogpiling on anyone that asks questions. Then they pull up your report history and tell you “It’s just a little dunking bro, stop being a snowflake” for not putting up with it.
Users of Hexbear, if you’re reading these words, do better. Nobody is going to sympathize with your cause if you antagonize outsiders that want to learn more.
He’s cheesed. (Sorry, couldn’t help milking it.)
Well first I divide the word by Eminem.
This just hurts. A whole loving family being thrown under the bus to protect one cop. Therapist sounds like a piece of work too, there should never be unwanted physical contact during therapy. Evil.
I’ll give it a shot, thank you!
I’d suggest starting with a blanket of single crochets to get comfortable with the hook
Do you have a guide to recommend for this? How big of a blanket? What is a “single crochet”?
A relative of mine is a big fan of The Woobles, they got me a panda kit that I really have to start on. But the how-to videos go over every step in detail and are pretty easy to understand.
Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say and not just block you outright?
Why didn’t you?
Oh that would be poetic. Bury him right next to it.
Meanwhile Starlink’s direct to cell capability is only growing. If your phone has 4G, Starlink knows where it is.
This is all news to me, could someone please elaborate/share some resources?
I don’t know anything about Starlink but I guess I should if it knows anything about me.
We also have the right to fire you for any reason
And they really do mean any. They just won’t always say the real reason out loud.
I dunno if I’d call it a review so much as a listicle. Also, “Seven” co-op? Does he play the games he recommends?
Also, furries. They like using the stickers.
I have to imagine if it were real we’d have at least 1 other picture, right?
Not sure those are one-to-one. I remember just about every local news station doing the Harlem Shake, but as far as I can tell not one has reenacted the coffin dance (but I’d love to be proven wrong).
Holy shit, can they criticize her on anything of substance? What’s with all these stupid nothing-burger attacks?
I’ll read through those threads sometime. I don’t think I’ll be commenting in that instance though. Maybe I’ll look around for a community that clicks better to interact with. I don’t really have questions off the top of my head, sorry. I don’t know what I don’t know.