primebuy looks like a ripoff of amazon, insight looks legit, but you’ll probably get what your order from either site
primebuy looks like a ripoff of amazon, insight looks legit, but you’ll probably get what your order from either site
Anything in the Jellyfin logs?
You should consider opnsense instead of pfsense in any case.
What are you using for a drive controller?
Even the slowest SSD write speeds should be faster than an HDD, and those have been running systems perfectly fine for decades. I’ve never used enterprise SSDs (usually one little consumer SSD, or even USB, for boot/cache and a bunch of HDDs for storage) and I’ve never had a problem.
What kind of hardware are you using?
I must just have heavy fingers, because I’m always accidentally right-clicking. Sometimes left-clicking. I wish the mice I liked had adjustable springs.
Maybe if I get annoyed enough I’ll steal a spring from another mouse and see if I can double up.
Why separate it? It’s part of the same stack. Radar downloads, Jellyfin plays.
Ebay. If you’re outside the US, you’ll probably be better off with a more local site.
I usually find the cheapest drives and buy multiple of those, but you should be able to assemble a RAID out of different disks, though you’ll be limited to the space of the smallest one in the mirror set.
Also make sure that your RAID systems supports this.
This is what I do, but with alma instead of debian.
Proxmox can run containers directly, but I haven’t tried it yet.
What exactly is not working? What is it doing/not doing, compared to what you are expecting it to do?
They probably got the software or whatever that they needed.
On its own, it’s not. But it’s going to be one step on the path to shit-town.
I use the browser extensions for convenience: https://web.archive.org/
Tell him to come back and finish the job, because that is shit, and you’re paying him to do the whole job, not half-ass it.
Valve did have a staff economist, but he left to become finance minister for Greece. (He didn’t last very long in either position.)
The prosecutors will recommend a sentence of 57 months probation, including home detention, based on Singla being diagnosed with “a rare and incurable form of cancer” and “a potentially dangerous vascular condition”
Damn, if that ain’t karma. Fuck over a hospital and its patients, get the worst kind of cancer.
Don’t worry, there isn’t proof in the article either. There’s a snippet of code out of context, and a video that, while it shows a loading delay, doesn’t show the code being executed.
Pixel 6 here, no issues.
Just give them access to it now? There shouldn’t be any issue with it continuing to be available or a while if you should get hit by a bus.