Spoilers aren’t working.
Spoilers aren’t working.
The last lawnchair beta came out a few months ago. It’s been running really stable for me and I would recommend it.
Pretty sure he’s German (https://translate.google.com/?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&text=Sitzung&op=translate).
deleted by creator
Bake me a bread, but don’t use any flour or water!
A CNN article on the meme also suggested that the breadth of reports of bizarre activities is due to a confluence of factors, including public records laws giving journalists fast and easy access to police reports, the relatively high population of the state, its highly variable weather, and gaps in mental health funding.
The psittacosis pandemic of 1929-1930 would be my guess.
It was mentioned in the psittacosis article someone posted.
He has been posting comments about updating the app in the last couple of days. I really liked it and would probably give it another try, but having working spoiler tags is really neat and the main reason I switched.