My house burned down right after building my first raid array. It hadn’t even been put into use. The plan was to move all the data from assorted servers, desktops and laptops in my house to the array THEN backup that volume to something offsite. /sigh
Learning a programming language , is pretty simple (didnt say it was easy)…its memorization. Maybe less so now with the advent of things like Copilot/AI assistants.
Understanding what you’re trying to accomplish is possibly the harder part. I would rephrase your statement: “I want to learn how to build an application”. For this you can butter toast…with instructions.
Pretend there are two people, one is the instructor and one is the toaster/butterer. There is a wall between them so one cant see what the other is doing and the end result is buttered toast. There are a couple resources; bread, butter, knife, toaster, plate.
1st attempt the instructor says: Pick up bread, put it in toaster, take out bread and put on butter. Result: Untoasted bread, butter on hands
2nd attempt the instructor says: Pick up bread, put in toaster, push switch down to toast, take out bread and use knife to put on butter. Result: Loaf of untoasted (did you check if toaster is plugged in?)bread with butter on both sides sitting on the counter (remember the plate?).
See how specific you have to be about certain things? I would call this functional programming. Object oriented program takes it a bit farther in that the toaster is now classified with things like; browness level, electricity/plug state, slice/bay current occupancy, toast switch etc.