Seriously, there are so many unnecessary cringey sex scenes in everything.
Is it organic nonGMO slop?
And the microcontrollers will be charged by mitochondria.
When I hear “20 yrs ago” I still think 90s. 😭
Then let’s have those hardened soldiers stand up straight for the salute! 🫡
Who is she though? I’d love to see her fucking a cis woman.
Step 3: See Step 1
Welp, time to move to a different timezone.
I wonder if Jordan Ramsey is good at cooking.
He clicked it too much. Don’t worry though it’ll return to its previous healthy colour.
Fuck yeah, put AI in charge of the nuclear arsenal!
But what if I don’t have a vest?
If the owner is dead, you must scritch head.
It’s for boys. Teddy wears one too. It’s called a boydle.
“Service guarantees citizenship.”