Hi Mike!
Hi Mike!
I mean I wouldn’t take a picture of a celeb like this, I think it’s rude. However, it’s a fast food place, it has high foot traffic. The reality is if you put your face on screen for decades, you’ll get recognized.
Nothing stopping him from taking it home
I don’t think every state allows early mail in
What’s wrong with excel?
Definitely not a sedan
Real reason Activision and Blizzard merged
Lol wut
*May contain bones
As we know, once something is released on the internet, it is super easy to remove.
C&D from Activision 😔
It should be possible to play split screen through Nucleus Coop. Here’s a guide for the previous games. https://steamcommunity.com/app/201790/discussions/0/4140564923179983181/
I thought they were partnered with Buber Eats?
Yes, that’s true. I rushed through the Myst remake to get to it. I’ve relied less on guides, instead using a notebook to get through. But those darn totems
I’m stuck in Riven!
Definitive edition still alive and well
Guess I’ll die
Use right ctrl and alt
Caravan Stories. Three paragraphs to name the game lol