Nah, people were pretty hyped for a while after Biden dropped out.
Nah, people were pretty hyped for a while after Biden dropped out.
Is it an asthma trigger for you?
Diamonds do make sense as gemstones because of their hardness. They’ll stay scratch free for life. But ya, the diamond industry is garbage.
And due to the transitive property of humans, if we follow this through to its logical conclusion then native Americans are immigrant Americans too
I wanted to downvote you for blasphemy but ended up upvoting you for correctness
Apple slice?
I don’t see how that’s the customer’s responsibility. The order should be rejected by door dash if they can’t safely deliver.
Second paragraph of the article OP linked to mentions he was a lifetime smoker. While the fires might exacerbate his symptoms, it sounds like he was already in very poor health.
Eh, at least they’re trying to learn more about the subject. I think the real concern is people that don’t know what’s going on and don’t care to find out.
It’s pretty easy to declare it a protected site, so why not do it before it’s a problem? China and India have already launched robotic moon missions. The Apollo landing site is a significant monument for humanity
It’s two mittens. The fingers are drawn on
Why did you say don’t move there? It sounds like you liked it.
It’s been like this for decades
This isn’t really complaining about his wife though
Is this AI generated?
It looks significantly better/more modern if you just paint it white: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/d0/24/b5d0249b79001b96b184ad6a86a014db.jpg
Nice cherry picked examples. iMessage isn’t available on other platforms, and it’s impossible to join a shared iphotos album from a non apple device. Two features that are arguably the most important for non apple users.
It’s not about buying things, it’s about winning the game and staving off boredom and existential dread.
How do you know that redditor finished school? There are kids on the Internet.
Introverts need social interaction too, just less of it.