That’s creativity.
That’s creativity.
I would fear the bacterias. Bacterias love temperatures between 40°C and 50°C. I don’t know about the typical temperatures of Food Dehydrators. But filament dehydrators are targeting these temperatures.
I don’t know. I just googled all of these terms as I am … old. Origin of “no cap” comes from “high capping” (rap lyrics).
Thanks !
Also : “Sus” is an abbreviation for “suspicious” often used by players of the game Among Us
af : as fuck ?
No Cap is a slang term used as an alternative to “no lie” to tell people you’re serious about something and not lying.
I am interested in it. What are you making for scubadiving that needs to be waterproof?
This is depressing.
The next step when the company is unable to produce any value anymore, it’s to become a patent troll.
Please film it. Thanks.
Ce qui m’étonne, c’est qu’on n’est pas invité par n’importe qui sur Signal. Juste les personnes qu’on connaît un minimum. (En théorie)
C’est dans l’article. Du phishing via Signal.
Tu as une source par rapport à Signal ? C’est étrange comme vecteur. Une connaissance à lui qui lui aurait transmis une app ? Ou une faille zero day.
Can you try to change the geometry so that the different bridges are not consecutive in their corners ? It looks like the slicer is just trying to make one big bridge (in one direction) instead of 4 bridges in 4 directions.
Nice! I hope it’s not too hot when using it. I once made a case that wasn’t able to sustain the temperature.
They need a cloud connection for the setup, but there is a “LAN only mode” (there are still some messages yet). There is also a new X1E (enterprise edition) that is said to be totally offline if needed.
I love the musics. After finishing the game, I played the main theme in my car again and again and again.
Nice !
I would go with wood filament.
Also, I think that mirrors the marketshare of devices used to browse the Internet. More and more phones, less and less computers.
I wanted to know the date of this comic. It was issued in Eightball #5, February 1991.
24 (TV series) is like this if I remember well. The daughter would have had a cellphone now.
I just measured it and the overhang behind is half the bed and half the infamous cable. You need around 60cm between the front feet and the wall behind, for the cable not to be torn when the bed is all the way to the back.
Thanks for the share. That’s interesting and I understand the niche needs for developping countries. Especially when you don’t have a strong control on what you get as pipes.
What I find interesting is the way they choose to make it watertight : “100% infill was leveraged to ensure all components were watertight, while extrusion flow was increased by 5-15% to prevent layer gaps.”