He doesnt use it outside of school stuff and even then prefers to write things on paper, I dont think that he has to make disincentives.
He doesnt use it outside of school stuff and even then prefers to write things on paper, I dont think that he has to make disincentives.
An acquaintance of mine has a 36 characters long passcode for his tablet that he manually puts in every time he wants to use it.
And you can use password managers to make secure passwords without ever having to input them yourself.
You have some kind of swear word filter. They said ‘bitches’ or if that also gets censored, the plural of female dogs, but as a verb.
I just wanted to have a keyboard thats not cluttered with tons of superfluous features so I use simple keyboard configured in a way that it only types and nothing else. I even turned off spellcheck and autocomplete, though that is mostly due to me having bad experiences some years back.
Most of the time it is just searching for something like ‘football match stream free’. Thats how I first got into piracy when I was twelve years old, only that I streamed anime instead.
I am not american and I dont want to be one. The feed for animals raised for their meat in the EU and a lot of other countries that have industrial animal farms is comprised out of several plants and nutrient supplements, and a big part of that feed is soy and corn, both things that are grown mostly to feed animals.
Wait until you learn what cattle gets fed. Spoiler: it is soy
For me, a lot of times it is just like a demo of the olfen days. I play a bit and then decide if I want to buy it. And if not then I have had some fun at least.
If you bring out slurs so easily you should reconsider if you know how to act like a decent human.
Where did you download it? From what Ive heard the Play Store version lags behind a bit. I got it via f-droid and now have buttons to jump between top level comments (this isnt the only change but it is the most obvious on first glance). A lot of instances arent on the newest version of lemmy yet though, since the sign up captchas were temporarily removed and preventing bots to sign up is way harder without it. I dont know if there will be software conflicts due to this mismatch though.
I recently quite literally broke the cable of my SSP by lying on them badly during sleep, but the cable held up to more than six months of rough use and I didnt notice any damage until I broke the pins is that the right word? off the cable so I would think that you just were unlucky.
The app doesnt seem to like images in the comments very much. When I try to scroll while one of those images is on the screen, the comment section jumps up and down.
I dont like always online games, since I have had connection issues for a long time before I moved which made it almost impossible to play multiplayer games for me. And now my W-LAN card on my computer died without the option to use LAN. I am already glad that I can still access Denuvo “protected” games since those need to send some stuff to Denuvos sometimes.
I am pretty sure that there was a setting that opens all links in new tabs, but it could be possible that it only exists in the desktop program.
There is a piracy community on lemmy already and I am pretty sure that I have already seen communities for open source software as well. So they should be decently populated in a few months at the latest.
Funny how when it comes to veganism that everyone suddenly only eats the flesh pf animals they knew personally and that were cuddled to death. Do you ever order food made with animal products when eating out?