Well, we’re going to have to have a president who cares strongly about environmental issues asap.
No way that’s making it through Congress. It’s gonna have to come through an executive order.
Well, we’re going to have to have a president who cares strongly about environmental issues asap.
No way that’s making it through Congress. It’s gonna have to come through an executive order.
Maybe we should start naming ecological disasters, such as forest fires, after conservative politicians.
I also think it’s foolhardy to naively assume that once the older generations start dying off due to old age, things are just automatically going to become better and more progressive without us having to lift a finger. Wrong! I’ve observed conservative brain rot already starting to infect my peers. And while I’m fortunate and privileged enough to live in a progressive blue state that (relatively speaking) cares about the Earth, unfortunately, very few communities around the globe have such luxury.
I think better trust in government is what we need. But the way things stand, we are so not ready for this. And if democracy doesn’t work in getting people to accept and comply with climate regulations that are bound to follow - and at this point that’s much more of a “when” than an “if” - leaders maybe shouldn’t be afraid to use force.
Hopefully at that point, we can keep a lid on things better than we did during COVID. But who am I kidding.
I like this. It saves resources. And I think we should all start adapting to it.
Unfortunately, I cannot eat at Five Guy’s or Chick-Fil-A because I am allergic to peanuts and they use peanut oil.
The elitist attitudes surrounding Apple products is so unbelievable. “OMG, I have an iPhone!” Yeah, you have an iPhone, so what? You’re the best? You can FaceTime your friends, despite you and your friends probably having, like, 7 other apps to do so? And no UI customizability or jailbreaking?
I’m just unable to understand the Apple/iOS hype. It makes my eyes roll. I’m content with my Samsung and Android, thanks.
They are putting the community in danger by banning masks.
Even better: why don’t we do everything we can to prevent Florida from sinking in the first place?
Defeatism will get us nowhere. We need to act, and we need to act now!
The color red has symbolic significance of good fortune in China. Incidentally, it is also a symbol of communism.
But have you ever heard the term “red scare”? Many people from the US almost seem like bulls with the way they freak out at anything remotely resembling communism (read: any progressive policies in general), like UBI, raising the minimum wage, improving the healthcare system, especially anti-hate speech regulations (I wonder why!), high-speed rail, protection against infectious diseases, and so on.
Red is one of my favorite colors too! And it’s very harrowing to observe how the conservative racists in the US have appropriated and completely shitted on it.
See, this is why we need more diverse representation in the media now. Manchildren always whine about “diversity ruining everything” when it’s really a truer reflection of America’s evolving demographics.
Well, they better start prepping for the climate crisis now, cause this new normal ain’t no joke. You’re literally melting in your ignorant echo chambers, yet you deny the sobering reality in front of all your faces. In between retweeting Fox News lies and drooling over Trump photos, do try to notice how the A/C can’t keep up anymore, crops are failing, and local stores are running out of bottled water. Climate migrants will soon be knocking on the door of your car-dependent cookie-cutter suburban single family (read: nuclear family model-reinforcing) house, but no worries, I’m sure y’all still got plenty of racism, saturated fat, and Confederate flags left to make them “feel at home.”
As we face this new normal of record temperatures, megadroughts, devastating storms and wildfires, “thoughts and prayers” won’t cut it anymore. Those lobbing snowballs on the Senate floor are slipping into full-blown climate denial, sticking their heads in the sand as Florida and Louisiana face ever worsening hurricanes and sea level rise.
And sadly, it’s not just the South. It’s the whole damn country. Remember the Northeast wildfire smoke? This is every summer from now on.
We simply cannot afford four more years of climate criminal Trumpism. Our generations have inherited this mess left by fossil-fueled capitalism and inaction. If capitalism runs its course according to current models and projections, there will be no more country for us.
I’ll play devil’s advocate: one benefit I could see to Reddit’s karma system is that it can quickly filter out spam or alt accounts from more serious communities.
Only if we fix the servers and reduce the bugs.
What about egg_irl?
I can’t even see this or any of the other comments on this post.
Wait, I actually can’t even see your comment if I open the thread.
How do you sync things?
While on the magnitude of hundreds rather than thousands, we literally just had one whole town burning down, and in the same state as Pearl Harbor, no less. If that’s not enough “psychological impact” to wake the masses up, I don’t even wish to imagine what will.