Oh man, it’s like seeing an image of an old dream!
Oh man, it’s like seeing an image of an old dream!
Nothing ever does!
Death Stranding
I still have dreams about that masterpiece of a game. There’s just so few like it.
I mean… I swore a whole lot more playing real sports than I do playing esports.
Perfectly succinct.
Damn, you’re right… this is more of an issue than I realized.
Brilliant! It was so obvious the whole time.
Marginally better… like from a 7 to a 6.8. 😉
At least left and right are correct in that regard. 😏
You better put some water on that damn shit!
Lol, suuuuuuuuuuuuure it is.
I hate to say it, but that looks like a pretty small truck.
Source: I’m Texan but don’t hold it against me.
Such an iconic scene, but I never would have thought that when I first watched it for some reason.
6 hours of work for a Domino’s pizza is pretty damn insane.
Swap your first date with 2010 and that’s the Reddit experience in a nutshell, lol.
Would the ignorant become well informed?
I have my doubts.
HTTP beat Gopher in part because Gopher was owned by a university that wanted to charge money for it.
I was not aware of any of this… I’ll have to read up on it as it sounds fascinating. So many people are unaware of how things came to be.
A great suggestion was made to add a browser extension to auto-refresh the page, and while that’s working pretty well, the page sorting reverts to Hot upon refresh - so the option is a bit janky.
I tried a few URL adjustments but no dice yet… any other ideas?
I did, but only because I took an elective film development class.
Yikes, I’m old too.