Seeing how he’s cutting off support for right wing cookers at the knees, best thing to happen to western democracy.
Seeing how he’s cutting off support for right wing cookers at the knees, best thing to happen to western democracy.
I understand our defence industry revolves mostly around producing totally not US requirement under licence to get around ITAR.
Sub has always been pro democracy through power. Seeing as there’s now a monarch in the White House, the US Royal Army needs to be resisted
I had to look really closely cause I really thought it was a Mazda.
It amazes me the only two people willing to take a shot at him were right-wing nutjobs. Where are the leftist lunatics?
The sound of an air pocket getting forced out of the vagina during sex. Essentially a pussy fart.
We’re not allowed to enjoy Harry potter anymore because Rowling is a mega TERF.
I don’t have this drawer. I have several drawers organised by use. Baking, cooking, eating, etc. All are barely organised.
This is some “Japan has used panty vending machines” kinda shit.
These are the dodgy streaming sites laden with ads right? Not surprised they get shut down if they’re profiting of piracy.
Either or. Sony phones still cost and arm, a leg and your left kidney though.
Hey uh, this plan can get you sued under tortious interference. So remember to not brag about it. Also much better way is just to take up a noisy hobby like woodworking, drumming or fixing motorbikes.
Mullvad accepts cash in envelopes as payment. That’s a good sign they care about privacy.
Seppo if they’re trying to be derogatory. Otherwise it’s just yank.
People grow more conservative when they have something to conserve. Also because they’re wanker and weren’t raised right.
He’s getting flamed because convertibles have been doing frameless door windows forever with manual overrides. It’s not something super special Tesla has done. Musk just doesn’t want to spend the extra money doing it right.
I read an article that Teslas are designed to have thier electrics in a daisy chain to avoid big ugly bundles of wires. But that just means a failure propagates down the chain so non critical systems can take out critical ones. Clearly he doesn’t listen to or hire car engineers.
Be as petty as he was and do everything in their power to sabotage what they can and leave him a mess?
$10,000 beta test
Throw an egg at it and increase its value.