Just pirate it to avoid giving money to Franco :)
I’m pretty adorable, but I’ve seen some shit.
Just pirate it to avoid giving money to Franco :)
Easier to navigate than what? If you say Google play music I’ll drive to your nuts and kick you in the house. Ytm is hot dog water and gets worse every update
De arrow also lets you do those things and customize which of them it always does.
It’s also the same guy that does sponsor block :)
Not trying to steer people away from yours, it’s good to have alternatives, just sharing the info
Also because the kids aren’t glued to their phones or electronics and have actual toys. I’M OLD
Is it not grammatically correct? Like I almost missed it under the apostrophe too but that’s how you’re supposed to do it
Fingers are still fucked into this one too though lmao
Think it’s because they know the people pirating are the people paying for unlimited?
Yeah I don’t get this one at all
Uh, yeah, I’d like to place a collect call :)
You have selected SLOW AND HORRIBLE
…good choice!
I missed the ponytail and the wave, does that mean I only found e of them?
There was honestly a lot in this movie that gave me nightmares as a kid. The giant spiders, lion hiding in the bedroom, big game hunter coming for me, giant mosquitoes, monkeys, poison plants… yyyyyyeah.
Pulled back for now, to be retweaked and pushed at a later time
Not all flights include Wi-Fi, even if the plane is equipped with it
I’ll probably migrate eventually. I’ve already changed a few times and it used to be a hassle but apparently it’s not now? But I just haven’t gotten around to it yet lol
There is a post credits scene, but it doesn’t lead into the next movie. There was, however, a very early tease of something that might potentially be in a future movie
What are you on about
Well, it was a spoiler free inside joke
I can wish the bystander didn’t die, but that would mean the shooter would’ve had to not miss, which also would’ve resulted in the death of a pedophilic, racist, rapist cancer on this country, so… Win win?
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