It is much easier to break sticks one at at time and not as a bundle. The enemy’s playbook hinges on manipulation and deception. If you turn your backs on even your own flesh and blood, then the enemy already controls you as well.
It is much easier to break sticks one at at time and not as a bundle. The enemy’s playbook hinges on manipulation and deception. If you turn your backs on even your own flesh and blood, then the enemy already controls you as well.
Holodomor 2: Orange Crush
This is exactly what I assumed it was in my case. Sometimes I’ll walk around in the dark, clicking my tongue, just to see how well I can navigate this way. Sometimes I get really, really bored.
The real reason the Titanic sank is they sailed through a Spidercloud, and the captain freaked out and swerved into it.
You are what you eat works both ways!
Xcom 2: War of the Chosen
This is, I believe, the last entry in the series. DLC is confusing, but I feel like WotC fundamentally changed things in ways I enjoyed. It added a captain system similar to Shadow of Mordor and has half the main characters from ST:TNG doing the voice acting. I started this series at the very beginning (90’s? Early 2000’s?) and can recommend only the first and second games. However, consider their age and thus I probably enjoy those old ones out of nostalgia.
I like to pop in every time they drop an expedition. Those let you speedrun the game and get reacquainted with it with not much effort. You also get introduced to whatever new thing they added. It’s a bit like playing ARK on a 20x resources 20x taming server so you can just play the game without so much grind.
Just do like that guy in Police Academy
Secession will never happen for anyone anywhere. It’d be bad for business. And both parties serve business primarily and maybe exclusively. Used to be able to say two sides of the same coin, but now they’re more like eyes on a flounder.
Bitcoin is a form of electronic token, so $TRUMPET
Getting a “Too Many Cooks” vibe off this
Use a longer pot
Reminds me of THIS cute Seattle couple
I prefer to let them rest where they fell in battle as a warning to any who would oppose my rule!
I take two personal pizzas and cook them normally. I generally use the frozen ones from Costco and use one cheese and one pepperoni. I also have frozen hamburger patties from Kroger but they’re the thin ones. I’m trying to lose weight, after all, so there’s got to be sacrifices made. OK now I have those frozen rectangular hash browns like McDonald’s sells, but mine are from Kroger again. I can generally cook all four items at once in my air fryer which is more of a convection toaster oven kind of deal. Anyway before I ramble on too long, I assemble a “hamburger” using the pizzas as buns and the rest is obvious. Apply mayo and/or American cheese or whatever like that Korean paste they use. Yum. I like to cut mine in half.
Those thin patties are great! This all started because I was tucking a folded one inside a Hot Pocket. You just split open one side and it becomes a literal hot pocket. Do not stick your … oh never mind
New Jersey
I’m not so optimistic… Car prices nearly doubled in a handful of years. More than, if you factor in “market price adjustments.” Wages stagnated. Cars still flying off lots faster than they can be built. That’s just one example among many.
As someone at the opposite end of the table from Snowden managing how the sausage is made, I can tell you it is odd they’d try to keep it all hidden. The current administration’s “freelance field agents” (being very generous here) are threatening to make it all blow up. Deletion is not always the answer. You know what I want, and how to connect. Let me take my broken and dirty toys from your sandbox, and I will remove myself forever.