Crazy that I’ve been downvoted for offering factual help, while the comment which is provably incorrect is up voted
Crazy that I’ve been downvoted for offering factual help, while the comment which is provably incorrect is up voted
Yeah. People can avoid all this nonsense by installing one simple app… Duck duck go browser.
You don’t have to use the browser. It just sits in the background quietly blocking tracking requests from other apps.
It’s absolutely horrifying on first use to see how egregious tracking is.
I’m using Sync to write this comment :)
Same. I don’t agree with Starmer on everything (eg his cannabis policy), but it’s nice to have a grownup in charge again. Instead of a performing monkey desperate for a new sound bite so we forget last week’s disaster.
Exactly. And usually if I am replying to another comment later, I can see that balance has been restored by others doing the same :)
If I see a freezer / fridge door open in a supermarket, I close it. Not for the supermarket, but for the planet
as someone who stacked shelves as a teen, if I take an item and it leaves a gap, I pull the next one forward so the employee doesn’t have to keep fussing over the manager’s demand for it to be lined up
my dad lives in a bungalow, on a small cul de sac of other bungalows. Sheltered housing for old folks. Litter often gets blown in and collects, I’ll pick it up every couple of weeks. Also cleared their paths / sprinkled salt when It snowed
when old people are in the way, I don’t crowd up behind them. I’ll take a few steps back and wait so they don’t feel pressured
if there’s an item in the road that could damage someone’s car, I’ll wait until it’s safe then remove the item
if I see someone was down voted just for sharing their opinion (assumedly because the down voter is too childish to withstand an opposing opinion), I make sure to up vote it in an attempt to restore balance. Even if I don’t agree with said opinion (obviously this doesn’t apply to hateful rhetoric etc)
Prob a ton of other little things I can’t remember. Thanks for making this post!
It’s very basic ‘think of the children’ rhetoric.
Our emotions are more easily manipulated in this way, because generally people are hard wired to protect babies and children.
So by associating trans people with paedophiles, right wingers are able to more easily hijack into what would otherwise be rational people. It also makes it more difficult to debate against because nobody wants to be labelled as someone who wants to hurt kids.
Clearly what we’re seeing here is the T1000. I highly recommend running away before it reforms.
For years I was adamant that I didn’t like ambient, I think because I’d only been exposed to very boring drone stuff. Then I discovered Solar Fields / Carbon Based Lifeforms and it changed my musical world.
I’m quite horrible at self-promo so sadly it’s just gathering digital dust, but after 20+ years of writing dance music for myself and others, I decided to get heavily into writing ambient / chill. Made a load of trippy animation videos and setup a youtube… if you love Solar Fields, without meaning to sound bigheaded I think you’d enjoy them.
I love anything by Solar Fields for tasks requiring concentrating, it’s especially good for reading scifi.
Whenever he releases a new album though I have to listen to it a few times, before I can have it on in the background… It’s very beautiful and intricate.
Yep has to have no lyrics or I get pulled into the song!
Steam doesn’t kick me out of my single player games when my internet connection drops for a split second. I quite like that
“Don’t say things about someone behind their back, if you wouldn’t be prepared to say it to their face”
It’s fairly simple… Gender-affirming care is ok if THEY do it.
I learned not to say things about people behind their back, that you’d not be prepared to say to their face, aged 14.
Cost me a black eye & split lip, also some pride. Valuable lesson though that stuck with me to this day over 2 decades later.
Knoble, sorry for calling you Knobless.
And if you ever get close to him? … he’ll betray you, too.
My initial response is prob as sarcastic as the others but a thought just occurred to me.
Skyrim, v1. The og release, before all the mods and bug fixes.
Undoubtedly still a better game than Star field. But was it the Skyrim we revere today? Will Starfield be transformed into something fun over the next decade?
What am I on about. Almost certainly not lol.
Not fucking up the f/c Fallout London mod would’ve also gotten me to play more (or at least, again). I played & enjoyed FO4 on PS, bought it again for Steam specifically for the new mod.
It’ll sit unplayed until the mod is ready!
Hahaha that proper made me laugh
It’s worse than that. Iirc everytime republicans gain 2 out of 3 of Congress / Senate / president, they rip up enough regulations to cause a global recession.
Thanks, America for taking a shit on the world. Again.