While I cant rule it out with chat GPT and AI the way it is today, I remember some of the posts they have made in other communities I’m in and I’m leaning to human. I recognize the writing style on multiple accounts, its unique for sure
I have birds, nuff said
While I cant rule it out with chat GPT and AI the way it is today, I remember some of the posts they have made in other communities I’m in and I’m leaning to human. I recognize the writing style on multiple accounts, its unique for sure
ok, being honest here.
i remember you from a while back (old posts) and being straight up, you do seem kinda young and childlike. I do not know how old you really are, but if i was guessing, 14-16.
well, to be fair, we can see the same amount of stuff in every direction without an edge. and at the rate of expansion, we could never reach the ‘edge’ we can currently see. so we kinda are at the centre of the universe
what did you do there?
without people on the planet to remember those who lived, the memory dies
im in my 40s and feel the same as you. things like fast food dont hold the same appeal, just nostalgia wishing for the ‘old taste’
as a ~40 year old Canadian looking from the outside at the US election
this one was crazy for sure but the last couple have been kinda out there to say the least. before the internet we Canadians always knew when it coming, but it was never covered in a 24h news cycle like now. other than daily newspaper (that was a physical unit of paper that was like social media, where we could not really choose who to follow other than politically left or right and only updated every 24h) we’d get news at 6-7pm and 11pm. then the noon news showed up. while there have always been issues between right and left, there had never been violence on the scale we see now. like Reagan getting shot, happened just after i was born, so not like it was all sunshine and rainbows but nothing like the scale that’s seen now.
this could be from the mass news reporting and social media, or people have just gone off the rails. I’m guessing option 2.
i grew up like this, but in the 80s so no screens like we know them now, just an old CRT. however my free time was scheduled and TV was not an option even tho it was free time. the only real difference is my father would beat the snot out of me if i did something wrong, bad grades, whatever.
the only positive thing i got out of all of that is i hate being late for something. id rather be 45 minutes early than 5 minutes late. I also have not spoken to my father in over 20 years now, so i guess thats also a positive.
If these asshats were vacuuming stuff up instead of just blowing over to the next yard, I’d be a little less annoyed.
when i was not so poor and still owned a lawn care business, i actually had a lawn and leaf vacuum attached to trailers. they work great, blow the leaves into a pile, and suck them up. had smaller versions that were the width of a lawn mower-ish for where it was not feasible to blow. the smaller ones didnt work that well with leaves but great in the spring after spring clean up.
i wonder if this is the same person you were worried was more popular than you at work a few months ago.
after reading some of your post history, you seem like a bitter person who will never be happy. that tells me there is so much more going on here than what you have let us believe is going on.
i still have a brass one from the 80s that works like a charm, try brass ones maybe
i have a great program that will hide all of your money, send me a DM
forgot to add this from 2017
A national campaign seeks to make all US states prohibit sex between humans and nonhuman animals.
This campaign seems to be sheer bull-headed prudery, using the perverse assumption that sex between a human and an animal hurts the animal. That’s true for some ways of having sex, and false for others.
you lost me at " Many years ago I posted that I could not see anything wrong about sex between an adult and a child, if the child accepted it.
Through personal conversations in recent years, I’ve learned to understand how sex with a child can harm per psychologically. This changed my mind about the matter: I think adults should not do that. I am grateful for the conversations that enabled me to understand why."
the guy did NOT change his mind, hes scared of getting caught and called out for being a pedo, necrophiliac, and enjoying bestiality
Stallman remarked most recently on the subject of pornography featuring humans and animals in 2018:
Prudish censorship attacks again in the UK, convicting someone for possessing “extreme pornography”, including images of sex with animals.
I can’t imagine a possible reason to punish people for this. The article does not report that the animals were harmed, or that they objected to the experience, or that they thought of it as sexual. The law does not consider these questions pertinent.
What is, however, clear is that prohibiting the possession of copies of some image or text — no matter what that image or text may be — threatens human rights. It creates excuses to search through people’s possessions and files. It creates ways to make people vulnerable to criminal charges without their cooperation or even their knowledge. All such laws must be repealed.
Primary sources documenting Stallman’s political advocacy for:
The normalization of sexual relations between adults and minors [1]
Defense of individuals both accused and convicted of sexual crimes, including the rape of minors, sexual assault, and sexual harassment [2]
Dismissal of legal norms regarding sexual assault [3]
Dismissal of legal norms regarding sexual harassment [4]
Support for the possession of child sexual abuse material [5]
Legal and social normalization of sex between humans and animals [6]
Legal and social normalization of sex with corpses (necrophilia) [7]
Credible allegations of sexual misconduct regarding Stallman [8]
Misconduct of the Free Software Foundation board of directors [9]
Calls from the free software community for Stallman’s removal [10]
Recommendations for reconciliation and closure [11]
fuck him, and fuck you for defending this useless waste of flesh
as someone who needs coke bottles to see properly, i understand how you feel
i would also love to smoke some of the weed you had before posting this