There is a furniture store in the US called Badcock Furniture. Just sayin’
There is a furniture store in the US called Badcock Furniture. Just sayin’
go to the post in boost’s lemmy group and there is a link you need to click to let you into the group. then wait a bit, and it’ll auto-install on your device.
See if the link below works. First time I’m posting links in Lemmy.
A fellow lifetimer! All I wanted was to use the windows desktop app version to play podcasts. Who would have thought it would lead to this while everyone else just lived in the phone?
It’s a great app. Simple and clean. I left for podcast republic for a while because it supported groupings, but the PC added folders and well, they pulled me back in!
It’s great as the free version, but if you were one of the lucky few that supported the desktop app years ago, the lifetime license is chefs kiss
Hi five if you shopped at Walden Software as well as Babbages!
Well, there is boost for lemmy that’s out now. That a sale compared to sync.
That doesn’t look like it was beaten on a CRT with bunny ears!
Capcom made some great Disney games back in the day. This, duck tales, darkwing duck. All worth while.
The closest thing I ever used that backed up actual hardware was a Playstation 1 card reader. At the time I was backing up game saves and porting them to the ps2 for emulation or something i forget exactly.
It was wild to do something like that on your computer back then. A Sony memory card in your PC? Bonkers.
It’s a beast. I had an S10 5G (same physical size as the 21 ultra) and it was great. Only reason I upgraded was I had to swap carriers. But these classics are so powerful and sharp versus new, economy models.
The best samsung phones are the 2 year old used flagship phones. All the power, features and longevity without the high sticker price. S21 Ultra is amazing at a fraction of the cost of new.
You mean to tell me there is actual land? I thought we were in Waterworld?
back in the day? This post just made me aware of it, and it’s great! Less clicks than modern systems and more customizable. And it’s portable (one .exe).
This is now added to my portable apps collection!
If you take a look at his forums, you’ll see when people request features, or just ask how to set something up, his responses are usually demeaning or meant to put the person down. And a bunch of users there defend or support it. It just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I dunno, it might have changed recently, but I doubt it. The app itself, if you ignore the forums is pretty solid. But it was enough to look for another dev, and the one who does FreshRSS is pretty cool, and the posts just seem to load faster through FeedMe (android app)
It’s awesome, especially once you add all the filters to weed out some junk. What a great, self-contained, private setup!
I think it might support that too. I just do development in the PHP/MySQL stack, so it was a no brainer for me. I have Kodi running off MySQL as well to share with connected devices. who needs plex? :)
Big shout for FreshRSS. No issues with privacy (you self-host on a simple PHP/MySQL server), and you can do as many filters as you like (instead of paying for it on feedly). then get an android reader like FeedMe that supports the FreshRSS stream and you’re golden!
FreshRSS: RSS reader (TinyTTS is also decent, but the developer is kind of a richard)
Kanboard: For keeping track of all my client projects (though you can use it for any sort of project tracking)
Nextcloud: It’s pretty full featured, but I only really use it for shared calendars and contacts so that I’m not hosting on Microsoft or Google.
Unlike most apps actually. Adobe PDF has it prominent “use our AI crap” and there is no way to remove it.