And Gen X continues to disappear between the cracks. If it weren’t for movies made about us by Baby Boomers, nobody would even know we were here.
And Gen X continues to disappear between the cracks. If it weren’t for movies made about us by Baby Boomers, nobody would even know we were here.
Holy cow, Michael Moore made Canadian Bacon?? And as late as 1995??
My son’s a teenager now, but the three months I spent at home with him and my wife after his birth were some of the most incredibly enlightening, rewarding and exhausting days of my life. I’d encourage every parent to spend as much time with their newborn as possible — if not for yourself and for your child, then for your spouse. All three of you will be learning a whole new way of life, and it’s great that you’ll be able to experience and shape it together.
Cults increase power by isolating members from their families and social supports so they become more reliant on the cult itself.
Ha! This was most folk music festivals from 1993 to 2006.
Any cult, really.
It would be a shame if he just went away. That would teach us.
So many mistakes boiled this frog.
The problem is the tech is no longer addressing and solving existing problems. It is only being inserted into working systems to collect data and fees, breaking the processes.
I understand the point, but as an exercise, try to find four historical figures without glaring character defects. Eventually, I figure we’ll all be either judged or forgotten in time.
It’s a poem by Stephen Crane, but so short I’m often reminded of it in full:
A man said to the universe:
”Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”
It sounds nihilistic, but it’s somehow calming whenever I start to feel like I’ve been wronged or I’m owed a break of some sort.
The internet was well established before the mobile web really took off. It looked different (most of us would say better), but it was already a mature part of everyday life. The dot-com “bubble” around Y2K predates the iPhone by years.
It’s not IBM or Disney’s first dance with fascists, sadly.
This is just Russia talking to its own agents in the West. A kangaroo court assembled to try Ukraine for its audacity to exist.
This won’t be the last time, I’m afraid. At the end of the day, software developers build sandcastles.
If you want to build something that will outlast your company, make sure you also have a hobby or craft outside of computing.
Good, but why the hell didn’t they do this when they had control of Congress?
I’m honestly surprised by how old and weak he looks compared to just a year ago. President Vance may be reality sooner than I expected.
When the browser can’t perform its end of the deal? Certainly. I don’t blame Netflix for no longer supporting IE5, either.
55 here, and it still happens more than I’d like to admit.
So why not join the majority party — in this case the GOP — and reshape it again from the inside? We’ve seen the GOP is open to tectonic shifts of change, as long as it’s coming from fellow “Republicans.” Donnie himself was a Democrat before he noticed the door to the GOP was already open wide.