That’s great for you but I fucked up my hearing by listening to Linking Park on maximum volume in the cheapest Chinese earbuds a third world teenager’s allowance could buy circa 2006.
… And getting stuff from YouTube takes 3% less effort.
Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3
Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.
Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.
That’s great for you but I fucked up my hearing by listening to Linking Park on maximum volume in the cheapest Chinese earbuds a third world teenager’s allowance could buy circa 2006.
… And getting stuff from YouTube takes 3% less effort.
Wrong game, but I always appreciate SnapCube regardless.
That part I didn’t know but it doesn’t surprise me either.
Still, “Disney wanted to kill off their traditional animation department” might explain why every movie since has been CGI/Live Action. – It does NOT explain why every movie since has been so metalinguistic and self-satirising. THAT can be laid at Dreamworks’ feet entirely, with the influence of Shrek et. al. on the cultural zeitgeist.
's a good movie. Predictable as those disney princess musicals tend to be–
– But still. It’s pretty. It’s entertaining. And the music sequences are awesome.
As an animation nerd I gotta mention Shrek. As a parody of “Disney princess movies” it killed the entire genre dead.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Since then Disney only made remakes or titles like Frozen that spend 70% of their runtime mugging at themselves and poking fun at their own tropes (… While still circling back to them anyway and failing to make any point or commentary)
On a less “this made a major cultural impact” note and more of a “this personally completely altered my entire sense of humour and replaced the original in my heart” – SnapCube’s Realtime Fandub Games Sonic Adventure 2
Oh oh ohohoh! Just remembered JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Very much a manga that was poking fun at contemporaries like Fist of the North Star… And while it didn’t outlive or outdo them per se, it definitely gained a life of its own, continuing to this day and actually being quite influential in its own right.
Catbox (linked by the other commenter) seems to work for short little video snippets too.
But. Noted on the youtube thing.
That worked, thanks.
World War 3.
But it won’t be a nuclear war that ends the world. (un?)fortunately. – Nuclear war doesn’t benefit the elites – Instead it will be a jillion proxy skirmishes all over the developing world, as countries get puppeteered by Russia/China/USA into fighting their battles, and said countries get ‘support’ in the form of weapons and training that will breed a whole new generation of extremist regimes and terrorists.
In the end, we’ll be back to the same ol’ same ol’ – Life gets shittier for everyone in a gradual, painful, tedious way.
1984 with just a hint of Wall-E.
Blender: Free
The know-how, creativity, and talent to make something good: Takes a lifetime to acquire.
The poor quality solder thing is true, and is true of a lot of hardware of that time period.
Whether or not the towel reflow trick works, I don’t bloody know.
Buttons, knobs, plastic bezels.
At least according to the industry those are all in the past. The future is screens that go to the very edge of the device and absolutely nothing tactile.
And it is bullshit. It is less reliable, less convenient, less cool – To say nothing of the safety disaster that nailing a tablet computer to the dashboard of every car has been.
I ask friends who are more intelligent than me
And if they don’t know I assume it is forbidden knowledge that would drive me mad to know
(I am only half joking)
Normal country
Normal things are done in it.
Step 1. Replace plasma for something lighter like xfce or wayfire with all the fancier effects disabled
Step 2. GZDoom mods.
I understand.
I even respect the general idea.
… But I will literally never willingly pay for an appliance-like piece of technology. I even sold off the one I got for free.
Android at least lets me sideload stuff and/or install it from F-Droid.
I don’t even think it’s good for gooning – It’s much heavier than a phone, so you can’t hold it in one hand (unless you have unnaturally strong and dextrous fingers?)
Like sure, that screen is big and pretty, but without something to hold the device up it’s not a comfy experience.
Man it wasn’t even anything crazy. It’s just.
All my android devices have a syncthing service that… Syncs. Things. Between them and my PC/Homeserver.
Now, the only app for Syncthing I could find on the Apple App store was a paid app, but I was actually fine with that: It seems Apple stuff is made for rich people, and I had accepted that everything would be paid for.
When you use Syncthing on Android it just. Drops things into folders. Like a normal program on a normal computer. And other applications can just access that.
But nope, not here. Everything is in its own cage, and the user has exactly ZERO control over this (unlike, say, the likes of Flatpak on Linux, where it’s just a matter of granting permission manually)
My comic book folder? I had to go through a cumbersome process to manually import all the cbr files into the comic reader app. Same for my video files.
Plus like. Just the lack of options in general. It felt like I was in an airport – Stuck in an, admittedly nice, environment and only having access to whatever overpriced products existed inside that environment.
Probably the iPad
Got it for free from a relative who had bought a newer model (he always has the latest iShit)
Played around with it for a week
Sure. It’s smooth. That screen was drop dead gorgeous.
… And yet everything I tried to do on the thing felt like I was fighting against it. Everything was restrained and needlessly clunky. It made me think “golly gee, windows cooperates more”
I wash. With water. At least when home
Toilet paper destroys my arse
Rick & Morty
Anime, just in general
Sonic the Hedgehog
Nintendo games
Years of fandom have made me one jaded mfer.