It is very cold here, yes. 😗
We’ve been super lucky with Bowie
Absolutely love this 🤣
Sorry! Just to be clear this is my dog!
Didn’t mean to post such a provocative title. I just think it’s funny that this little blanket burrower who steals treats out of my pockets came from wolves.
He’s a Whippet, of course he needs a coat!
He’s always impressed with himself. Always.
My partner is holding a frisbee up. Bowie loves to jump for it even when we’re not shooting photos. I Photoshop my partner’s arm out of the photo.
I hope you’re happy, you ruined the magic trick 😘
Boops deliveried! Scritches incoming!
Nailed it. But please excuse me, I see a Bosch painting I simply must critique
Next up Jedi mind tricks
Ah heck we try. Thanks
Bowie sends Bowie boops
Yup Bowie is a 6 year old Whippet. Certified good boy.
(thank you)
Bowie is happy to be of service
Read the username… Ok. Ok.
I understand what they were going for. Batteries are heavy, so keep the car light and nimble and completely impractical as anything but a local commuter.
Ooof. So we only have street parking here, but we have a public charger just steps from the house (not Tesla)
Deep state is having a nap I guess.
I don’t mean that facetiously, honestly surprised the CIA is just chill with everything.