• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I can respect some aspects of that. Not everyone is meant to or even cut out to lead. Good on you for realizing that about yourself.

    What I don’t understand is how you see the obvious benefits of a union, and how a small portion of your pay check could go a long way to making your own benefits better including increasing your overall pay so that union due are less of a burden on your budget. No one said you had to be in charge. Find one other person who agrees that unions can be/do better and get them to run, because not ever person out there wants to be a greedy mob boss style union leader. A union is about to be the only thing standing between you, and that CEO thinking you’re little more than slave labor, because this administration is dismantling as many consumer and worker protections as it can.

  • I don’t personally consider someone who is a centerist to be progressive at all. Maybe just me though. She is exactly as progressive as Biden which is why her messaging after Biden announced he was stepping down didn’t involve and real progressive moves other than some minor tax cuts and legalizing cannabis. She lost because she is just the woman version of Joe Biden. Not that she gets much say until she is elected, but she could have come out swinging a lot harder to the left instead of joining up with Liz Cheney who also isn’t known to be that progressive. She is exactly who the DNC wanted running, which is why they didn’t hold an abbreviated Democratic primary for 2024.