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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • And I hate it too when it goes to the next song and this banner slowly fades in at the top of my screen to tell me what song it is and it also just pauses everything for a moment just for that. There’s other ways I can tell what you’re playing, I don’t need that.

    you can turn that off in the settings. Actually I was pretty happy that it works on linux through wine. but if you can’t find the option, let me know, I have managed to find it recently I think

  • Zerotier wasn’t always Tailscale was it?

    it is not tailscale. but also it seems I was wrong and its not wireguard either

    You need to be connectable to download from all the peers, likewise non connectable users can’t download from you, and how do you become connectable? By opening your ports, something that might seem archaic from somebody who has totally embraced IPv6.

    I know what opening ports is, I only have v4. But I thought you have difficulties with bittorrent over v6. or is it that you still need to open ports for v6, in the firewall or something?

  • > is there such a problem? honest question. But I think that might be a different issue

    Yes, that is a problem. We’re still in a world where you need to manually enable port forwarding in order to get better seeding for bittorrent clients, and if you have CGNAT you’re SOL (short of using a VPN or something to bounce through an external host).

    I don’t understand, sorry. they were saying that something doesn’t work as expected IPv6. but CGNAT is not used for IPv6, is it? and you don’t really forward ports either, maybe you allow them through in the routercs firewall but notnsure because I don’t have v6

    We’re still in a world where you need to manually enable port forwarding

    well, you don’t need to, often you can also enable the upnp function in the router so that any software can open all the ports it wants, which is a terrible idea security-wise

  • Why does Wireguard or any other VPN not work like Tailscale or Zerotier?

    tailscale and zerotier are wireguard, but with a public server that helps with NAT. Syncthing uses a public server for that too.

    wireguard was specifically made to be as simple and minimalistic as possible.

    Why don’t torrent clients can’t work with IPv6 to seed more?

    is there such a problem? honest question. But I think that might be a different issue

    Why doesn’t Plex adopt a similar mechanic like Syncthing to expose the media over the Internet instead of being a prisoner of CGNAT?

    maybe they just don’t see working on it profitable enough