“If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it” - Maxim 6
“If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it” - Maxim 6
Okay so now we are looking at some kind of tree-crab-train as the crown of creation, am I understanding this correctly?
That’s what you call an opsec fail
I think I had a stroke trying to comprehend this
With a little luck it will simultaneously act as a summoning circle for a demon that will kill the creator of this monstrosity and perish its sight from earth to protect the rest of us
I’m anti skub. Skub is unnecessary
It’s beautiful.
A dumped nuclear reactor core in a wasteland next to a dead tree. And there’s a goat standing on top of the reactor of course
Löschen can also mean to offload cargo from a ship if you were only thinking about to delete as a second meaning
Literally it’s: Supportserviceextinguishinggroupvehicle, it’s a kind of all-rounder firetruck and the most commen one.
The “Hilfeleistung” means that it isn’t just for firefighting but also other kinds calls “Technische Hilfe” / technical support
and the “Löschgruppe” refers to the core capability to fight fires as well as the personell on board, a “Gruppe” is a specific tactical unit in german firefighting of 9 people