The 90s were the calm before the storm.
The 90s were the calm before the storm.
It makes me regret using the service.
What niche communities do you recommend?
That’s where I’m at. I only access reddit from a browser using old.reddit.com these days. Once that option is taken from me, I’m gone.
This is a blast from the past. 3dRealms’ tweets are also being recommended to me lately. What’s the deal? I thought that studio closed shop ages ago.
Sounds good! This’ll come with a reduction in the cost of prime, right?
Me, too. I’m always recommended Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson videos, with a sprinkling of Ben Shapiro. I even got someone claiming the holocaust was overblown (i reported them). All within the past few months.
I don’t get recommended regular videos like that, but youtube shorts are full of that garbage. I suspect it’s a blind spot
I always downvote, then block the channel whenever I get those. However, I think the mere act of going to the button to block the channel instead of just scrolling on immediately is telling the algorithm that I want more of that kind of video.
Watching a bit of breadtube stuff, I feel like thr algorithm can’t determine what video is against stuff like that and what’s for, so I get recommended videos for whatever I don’t like instead of against.
Me, too. I haven’t re-authed in a while, though. Do you get the error if you log out and log back in?
He’s just a supremely powerful being (nameless thing, perhaps) who was created at the same time as Arda and who is just content living in a forest singing all day about how hot his wife is instead of caring about anything that happens in the world around him.
The question is, what is his wife, Goldberry? She appears to be a personification of nature, Arda, or just the Old Forest or something.
I wasn’t a fan of reddit in digg’s heyday because the site looked rough compared to digg and I was more interested in the discussions on digg at the time.
I only started using reddit heavily when digg rolled out digg v4. Weirdly enough, reddit seemed to look better afterward, like they improved their ux since my last visit.
I’m in a similar boat. I used slashdot occasionally (still do), but once I heard Kevin Rose was involved with digg, I started using the site heavily. I only stopped when digg v4 dropped.
I’ll have to see what he’s up to these days.
I gave up reading the first book in the series until he’s able to finish it.
Having tried /r/politics, /r/eve, and /r/valheim, I was going to point out how I didn’t get the screen you got. However, /r/nyt gets this message. As an aside, /r/politics, /r/eve, and /r/valheim are verified while /r/nyt is not is interesting to me. Upon further testing, /r/nytimes works. Seeing how /r/nyt has 411 subscribers, while /r/nytimes has 8,431 subscribers, I think smaller, less well known subreddits will run into issues while larger subreddits or subreddits that are more well known will have no accessibility issues.
It’s also interesting that this block doesn’t exist if you navigate to old.reddit.com/r/nyt instead of just reddit.com/r/nyt. You think they would have just repurposed the page that asked if you if you were over 18 before going to a nsfw subreddit for this task, but old.reddit.com seems completely overlooked as of now.
old.reddit.com on the Firefox Android app looks bad, but I wonder if someone could make an extension to automatically redirect users to old.reddit.com when navigating to reddit.com, as well as an extension that changes the layout of the page to something more mobile friendly, similar to RES but for your phone’s browser. That might make reddit usable on mobile without the official app until old.reddit.com goes away or they try to implement some sort of user agent string check.
I wear one indoors or at the drive thru. I’m considering dropping the mask, but the last time I researched it, the recommendation was doing what I was already doing.
I thought I had a good bead on it.
Isn’t it basically the bible, except God is married to Mother Nature and neglects her over the humans? More and more humans come about, which keep trashing her house (the Earth) more and more, to the point where she can’t keep up with the repairs. Finally, she has enough and loses her shit and just torches the whole house to the ground. God comes, takes her heart out of her chest to remember her by, and finds a new Mother Nature to build a new house to live in, repeating the cycle. The heart looks like the stone in his study earlier in the film that eventually gets broken, which indicates that Jennifer Lawrence isn’t the first Mother Nature God’s been with, and the result was the same as Jennifer Lawrence’s character.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for letting us know! I’ve been unsubbing from every sub whose mod team leaves posts like that.
The last time reddit pulled some shit, I found tildes and expanded the sites I visited regularly/ semi-regularly (and reducing how much time I spent on reddit). Reddit reverting the latest changes will only minimize the damage on my end, as I’ll be spending time here that I could otherwise be spending over there.
This stunt reduced the already diminished trust I have for reddit. Having migrated to reddit due to the digg v4 fiasco, over the years, reddit’s decisions have been like digg v4 in slow motion. Each fuckup just causes me to further reduce the amount of time I spend using the site. One of these days, they’ll cross too many of my red lines, and reddit will become completely useless to me.
So I need to run any comments I make to reddit by chatgpt before posting, it seems. I heard ai training ai leads to a poisoned data set.