Clarkson, May, and Hammond make their second EV
You get what you pay for high end printers
Ya, you have to be careful with printing over WiFi. Robust DNS and static IP’s can help a lot.
In my years of IT, I saw a few customers do this. I always put the printers on WiFi so they could move the printer to wherever they wanted it.
Cheese pizza is my most eaten food this year. Second, bologna sandwiches.
I also drink tons of Arizona green tea and Half&half.
Those lives won’t be on his hands
This is definitely true, but not an unpopular opinion.
Maybe we should stop asking people their residence to get on the ballot. Before you know it people will just start writing in “prison”
Immediately self describing without you asking.
I ask if people have rebooted just as a conversation tool. I don’t ever trust what they tell me, it’s just a way to see how their thinking.
I come from Arkansas, literally anything is better
I would love to move to England from the US. Specifically London. I’ve loved my visits there and the people have been amazing.
Most people won’t pay for it because a lot of AI stuff is done cloud side. Even stuff that could be done locally is done in the cloud a lot. If that wasn’t possible, probably more people would wand the hardware. It makes more sense for corporations to invest in hardware.
I guess that’s a compliment?
He’s not even really a weeb. He just found a show he liked.
thats a cool idea, I may do that
Its a beautiful part of the country. It’s nice to have family close by there so I can go visit.
This photo being in B&W makes it look older than it is