employees calling out
Why would the employee have to look up a publicly listed number to call their employers to call out? That’s something a private line could easily take care of.
employees calling out
Why would the employee have to look up a publicly listed number to call their employers to call out? That’s something a private line could easily take care of.
Why even have a phone number if it is useless?
Really? Are reservations the only use for a phone?
A publicly shared phone number for the restaurant? Pretty much. It has limited uses for checking hours and holidays and such, but the primary use is going to be checking availability to eat at the restaurant. If that’s not something you can get over the phone, 99% of the reason to have a public facing phone number is negated.
In what world isn’t Canada fighting back?
Which isn’t to say they shouldn’t, but they are pushing back to all the shit Trump is throwing at them. Just because they’re not launching missiles doesn’t mean they’re not fighting back.
How else are you going to afford more chocolate?
It’s pessimism when you use it as an excuse to do nothing about it.
They stole their facts from someone else.
That’s not what you said, though, you were just proud to… not have a specific kind of image in a thumbnail. Which, at best is just virtue signaling.
The point isn’t the thumbnail, the point is literally every other action he has taken up to this point. The thumbnail in a vacuum is just a picture.
So you do your best not to inform people about nazis among them?
No, the underneath of the day after tomorrow (night), as opposed to the above (morning, or day).
Hmm, I dunno, that sounds like something a drugged up hippie might do with their marijuanas.
No no no, they called her Michelle, she’s a different MJ. Totally not supposed to be Mary Jane at all.
On a more serious note, it’s okay if they just create new characters, too. It doesn’t all have to be adaptation.
So… there was a possible way you could understand something in panel 4…
He owns a car company, why would he glorify what he sees as competition?
Free Waterfall IV?
Speaking as a perpetual wallflower who has never been to a rave in my life, I found it understandable. Admittedly I’ve heard the term “molly” in reference to ecstasy, but you see as guy wide-eyed staring at someone who looks incredibly uncomfortable about it. Seems pretty obvious that’s the “molly bear” that uses “prolonged eye contact” to make “uh-ohs” so uncomfortable that they either leave or at least don’t come to another one.
Well, if it’s using the term in the same way as the first couple panels, it’s a big hairy gay man.
When you’re jiggling around in your pocket for it and there’s other coins in there too, it becomes harder to do.
Well, sure. Adding many variables usually makes anything harder to do. But that generally just means it takes a little more effort.
Are your hands horribly mangled or something? Am I bringing up something hard for you to deal with?
A nickel is smaller and thicker, and has a smooth edge compared to the quarter. Can you not tell the difference?
What does homelessness have to do with anything? Gentrification isn’t specifically about homelessness, I don’t see anyone else mentioning it before now… where did you pull that from?
Gentrification seems to mean the rapid renovation of an area to appeal to a wealthier crowd, which this could easily cover.