When it was on sale recently I didn’t buy it. Instead I removed all Sony games from my wishlist, knowing they would require PSN even for single player games.
When it was on sale recently I didn’t buy it. Instead I removed all Sony games from my wishlist, knowing they would require PSN even for single player games.
Nushell is pretty nice.
Often even when its on sale i have already lost interest.
Alternatively try nushell. Its basically powershell without ms
Quality can only increase. If people have to think twice about buying games and don’t preorder every half- finished game
Thanks for the reminder. I’ve been meaning to switch for a while now but I never got to it
Nothing is gonna change. Consumers gonna consume
People will preorder the next cash grab and whoever cares about quality games will just have to wait. Although i have to admit that it will be pretty much impossible to match the love and care larian poures into their games.
Related, and I cannot help but read “bcachefs” as “bitch café”