Fellow dinosaur here. Member legend of the red dragon? I member
It don’t matter. None of this matters.
Fellow dinosaur here. Member legend of the red dragon? I member
Magnolia by Paul Thomas Anderson. The whole movie is pretty emotional but the scene where Tom Cruise’s character confronts his absentee father on his death bed absolutely destroys me.
One of my all time favorite movies, but I gotta be ready to full on cry if I want to watch it.
You don’t care so much you deleted your post, very cool
No you see he is like Job in the Bible!!! He’s so righteous God is testing him with demons!!!
-his fans probably
As an atheist, I cringe at nearly every post I see from that community. Makes me want to punch teenage neckbeard me in the face
No you’re right they’re super sad about funding the genocide
To be fair, (spoilers for the show) it was the bad place where you couldn’t swear
Hey it wasn’t all bad in 2020. The restaurant I worked at closed and I made more money on unemployment for 2 years than I ever had working in kitchens.
Relatable. I literally have a bad back because of trying to solo move an old TV in the 90s
That is not relevant to the subject at hand, because the cost of living and social support systems vary so widely between the US and the rest of the world. Without knowing anything else about your locale, I can only speculate that your restaurant industry is either far more exploitative than the US and keeps prices low by underpaying workers, or the people who profit from the businesses are slightly less greedy and allow a more generous portion of the budget to be allotted for pay.
Different things are different, I’m talking about the United States
Tips may have been that way a hundred years ago but I’ve been in the restaurant industry in the US for over 15 years, and for the duration tips have been used as a means to offload labor costs to the customer. They are not optional for the majority of people who work for tips, they are the difference between paying bills and not.
The practice is antiquated and should be completely removed as the standard way to compensate restaurant workers. But the thing that anti tippers always seem to miss is that the labor costs will still be there and the owners are not going to take it out of their cut. The menu prices will per force go up when companies get rid of tips. The same people will be complaining about that just as loudly, I’m willing to bet.
As I said in another comment, it’s a bad system, but if you don’t tip, you’re a bad person.
It’s a bad system but you are a bad person if you don’t tip.
There’s not really a general association with fuckwits, the whole thing stems from Apple phones using a different color for Android users in a text, because they have a bunch of proprietary bullshit in iMessage that doesn’t work on Android. It’s a meme but also I’m sure some people take it quite seriously.
Edit: Apple users are fuckwits though
It’s a borrowed word because we don’t have a translation, though. Tamales are tamales. Also we say tamale for singular but it’s tamal in Spanish. It’s a loan word in every way.
That is too much leguizamo for anyone to attempt in a single sitting. Know your limits!
It’s a real photograph from the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. It’s a racist joke based on a real tragedy, making it double shitty.
Here’s the original
Liking ska punk
Actual unpopular opinion: get yt premium. It gives creators the money they would’ve got for you watching an ad, while giving you an ad free experience, and also includes yt music which might take some adjustments if you’re used to Spotify, but then you will also not be supporting Spotify which is probably the worst streaming service in terms of paying artists.
(They’re all bad and many people would argue similarly against supporting Google via YouTube, so perhaps it’s a moot point, but that’s part of how I justify my sub to myself anyways.)
It’s a reference to an Onion headline