Ashenspire - Hostile Architecture: An avantgarde black metal album about the evils of Capitalism.
Hello, there. I’m Anna (she/her). I don’t know what else to put here…
Ashenspire - Hostile Architecture: An avantgarde black metal album about the evils of Capitalism.
Thanks, Obama
Yeah, it seems that much of the discussion online is based on the press conference where the order was announced, not the actual text of the order.
Bypassing DRM for personal use
My favorite is
Vscode is released under a MIT license and the Continue extension is released under Apache. Neither is copyleft, so the forked codebase doesn’t need to be open source
This is satire, so it wouldn’t belong there.
In rhythm, y functions as a vowel, as it makes a vowel sound.
Epic sold it to a company called Songtradr, who shortly laid off a good chunk of the staff. They haven’t done too much so far, but it could easily go south from here.
According to someone on the other site, no Palestinian is innocent because they’ve all been brainwashed since birth to hate and want to kill Israelis.