No OnePlus?
I have had OP8 for few years now and its still working perfectly fine. Battery could be better but other than that its still fast and reliable.
No OnePlus?
I have had OP8 for few years now and its still working perfectly fine. Battery could be better but other than that its still fast and reliable.
what I really love is the no punctuation no breathing pause sentence structure that makes it feel extra authentic so thank you god bless wakeup bye
Havent seen Sam in a long time. Nice.
That is a good point, but analog clocks are IMHO in the realm of sundial clocks or audio casettes or floppy discs. Technology that was once usefull, but now it’s replaced by better alternatives. Time is after all just a number, and it does not matter how we choose to represent it.
And what is more disturbing is that this is (if true) from stock image site. So they paid for this. 🤦
All the “luxury” clothes with big logos are low tier variants and the really luxury ones have more decent design.
At least that’s what I’ve heard, I don’t buy “luxury” brands, I like my clothes clean and brand free.
Yeah now that I am thinking about it haggis is probably better than what OP posted. It’s been years since I ate it while visiting Edinburgh :D
You’re supposed to spice those naked potatoes with the meat and gravy. This is basically Haggis if I recall correctly, without fancy serving. And it is really good.
How does this cover differ from someone making it in photoshop (like most covers)? AI is in this case just useful tool IMO.
I have recently heard similar saying with legs, meaning is the smae but different wording roughly translated from Czech:
What is not in the head, is in the legs.
Ketchup effect is good, i might use it when the situation comes. Thanks.
Apparently this very advanced technique is too complicated for some people.
Oh, now your image loaded for me an I feel lake buffoon…
I thought the snowflakes stayed on reddit, but apparently me saying “Copium in comic” is too offensive for moderators.
I hate this wording choise, that “Turn off windows copilot” - Enabled, actually means that copilot is disabled. Confusing and unintuitive. It should say just “windows Copilot: Enabled/Disabled”. Why is MS like this?
I think I’keep using my YouTube uBlock Origin DeArrow SponsorBlock Enhanced edition.