Pretty sure AfD’s Alice Weidel additionally doesn’t even live in Germany but in Switzerland.
Pretty sure AfD’s Alice Weidel additionally doesn’t even live in Germany but in Switzerland.
Well, it worked initially, then more often than not my searches produced no results or confusing error messages.
Experimented a lot with the SearxNG settings, and also with my browser and firewall settings in case there was some issue there, and eventually gave up.
I was unable to find information online about the issues I experienced, in part because I had no idea how to describe them in order to find help.
Think I tried it in three different browsers, over the course of a month or so, but primarily in Firefox.
Have tried out SearxNG without self-hosting, via different instances, but had to abandon it as it is way, way beyond my mental capabilities to get it to work.
I doubt I could manage to self-host, having looked into Docker for some other matter.
Using Mojeek currently, which isn’t great but not too terrible.
DuckDuckGo’s search engine introduced AI assist and an AI chat as opt-out features, which it repeatedly re-enables at random, with no ability to disable it permanently, even though we’ve been able for years to set a bookmarklet to make all our other DDG settings persist.
Users are very unhappy, with requests for a way to permanently disable AI features ignored, receiving only patronising responses from DDG.
No matter, DDG’s utility for searching has deteriorated these past years so severely, even relative to the deterioration we’ve seen with many other options, that I wonder will it survive.
It is always unfortunate when a recommended privacy tool shifts away from privacy, but several doing so all at once is alarming.
Have developed the habit of unblocking telemetry every so often, so that the settings I value show up as in use by someone.
Might not even flag up the origin of the term, unless the person queries why it has fallen out of use.
Mostly because it can lead to them feeling the need to then explain that they didn’t use it with eugenic sympathies, and me needing to reassure them that I knew that they used it in innocence, all of which is a big diversion from the original topic of conversation.
I feel it easy enough to mention a change in terminology where there’s a good deal of consensus regarding the switch, as there is with Asperger’s & Oriental, but altogether more delicate where members of a group are split on which they prefer for themselves. Not because I find it difficult to acknowledge & move to the language the person I am speaking with prefers, but because I see the blinkers come down when gently explaining to others who want a definitive answer that there is no consensus, and to take it gently themselves.
A skilled therapist will be able to assist anyone to use CBT or other modality as a tool, even if they don’t have training or experience specific to that person’s needs.
Nobody here needs to be told that finding such a therapist is far from a given, and engaging one who is not helpful (or worse) tends to make it hard to convince oneself to try with a new therapist. Run through a few, and the reluctance compounds into aversion.
That said, I do feel that CBT attracts therapists who have a strong preference for an unreflective practise, and who are more comfortable with very straightforward & commonplace anxieties.
It doesn’t help that many health services, whether publicly or privately funded, push short courses of CBT as the predominant or sole psychological therapy. Even a highly skilled therapist will struggle to arrive at the point of being of assistance to those whose difficulties don’t map so closely to those most commonly found in the general population, if they have just six 45 minute sessions to work with, and even more so if the person comes to them undiagnosed.
Got it. And what did you make of her suggesting that in response?
Wait, did your caseworker just announce this eligibility to you without you having asked about it?
Or have I wildly misread the situation?
Late to reply, but very excited to have Moldova in our Union. I realise a yes vote is not a given, so all power for continuing the campaign to join if it does not succeed this time.
Going to come back to this to reflect in more detail to your original post and to this comment, but wanted to quickly float the idea that perhaps these people view you as particularly sound, so when they lay things on you or are just more emotional or intense in front of you, and you seem unphased - neither rushing to condemn them nor scrambling to reassure - they interpret that as disapproval from someone whom they find sound. And that because they value your judgement & integrity, they get sheepish and awkward in the absence of a strong outward reaction, which in turn you interpret as them thinking ill of you.
Only suggesting this because have seen quite a bit of this between people, and experienced mild versions of both ends of that dynamic.
Not that it helps, if it even resonates, or provides guidance.
Entirely different groups of people, and they’re profoundly opposed to each other.
At the core of this massive protest/strike are groups which have been against the bombardment of Gaza from the outset, and protesting Israel’s war against Palestinians for years.
Yer a pterodactyl, Mox. A pterodactyl.
Reading the alt-text one might imagine a well-filled used condom of an especially fine latex.
Which isn’t inaccurate, but now imagine the above gazing at a girl the second Terminator right before it spears Conor’s foster mother right through her eyesocket.
UK Labour’s position on Gaza is no different to that of the Tories (or to the DNC in the US). In Scotland, the SNP is strongly pro-Gaza, but were wiped out. That’s likely to have been in matters besides Palestine, but voters had the option to prioritise it and roundly rejected it. In NI & Wales, pro-Gazan candidates did less considerably less well than predicted 18 months ago. A few pro-Gazan candidates ran for the Workers’ Party - a handful of them won seats, but others, including their party head lost theirs. Meantime far-right Reform loathe Israel & loathe Palestine more, but made massive gains.
In France, pro-Gazan FI is a major component of NFP, the alliance which got the biggest vote share, but they only scraped that by working strategically with the rest of the left & with the neolibs to see off the far-right, and even this alliance did not win a majority. Within this there’s little to no agreement on Palestine, and FI’s position drew in some voters and alienated others.
Nope, because those recent gains were in spite of positions on Gaza & in any case there are few positions which the US could take which would be more grimly anti-Palestinian than that of the GOP.
It is a very long time since I’ve read as ahistorical writing as this article. We all wish that support for Palestine were there, but it very demonstrably is not.
Am so glad you spoke with the vet and that you’ve escaped that part of things.
Much love to you!
Choked up just thinking of how you are feeling. Losing a pet, and so suddenly is the worst.
Please be gentle with yourself. Hesitant to suggest much, as you sound so vulnerable just now.
What kind of things do you think might be distracting or soothing when you notice your mind has drifted into the self-blame stuff? Are there any friends who live nearby that you could visit?
Glad you’re feeling better.
GAA hurling can be a fun sport to distract oneself with, if you’re similarly stuck another time.
Because they mostly have no clue that measles is a potentially fatal illness, with potential severe lifelong complications including some which require 24/7/365 full nursing care.
They think of it as a mild rash with mild flu-y symptoms for a week or two.
They also have no idea it is so very contagious.
So though the measles vaccine has an amazing safety & efficacy record, whether singly or as part of the combined MMR, with endless research turfing up no link to autism whatsoever, and carrying only a negligible risk of vaccine injury (none as severe as the complications of measles), those who reject it do so not only out of totally false beliefs about the vaccine, but also out of fully wild misconceptions about the risk of measles.
Though now the anti-vaxx movement has become such a big thing for a while, they’re all egging each other on with the help of ideological pundits. This combines to create a group highly distrustful of public health organisations and all medical advice on the matter, who are much more resistant to accepting correct information than their vaccine-shy counterparts ever were in the past. It also seems to be true that scary conspiracy theories are comforting to them in a world where serious infections can just catch a person, where autism isn’t something one can simply opt out of - they want simple answers, and everything which debunks that simple wilful ignorance is a threat to their sense of security.