The other alternative is “Accept All” or “Decline each one Individually by clicking three buttons to confirm your choice”
The other alternative is “Accept All” or “Decline each one Individually by clicking three buttons to confirm your choice”
250GB - cache
1TB - Pool
2TB - Pool
10TB - Parity
With only 3TB in the pool you’re going to be increasing the size of the pool potentially quite quickly depending on if you’re ripping DVDs or Blu-Rays to it.
You’ll soon need another drive to boost that pool size and I promise, that parity will keep those tears at bay if something happens.
That and taxi offices. They were my local go to when I couldn’t get to the beach to go to the arcades.
Love these write ups. I lived through the platform wars fighting on the side of Light (Spectrum) against the hordes of darkness (C64) and the one grey teary Amstrad user.
Loved Bomb Jack, it’s a great game and I think it’s going into the curriculum for the kids next week to show them a great game with a simple game dynamic compared to them playing tosh on Roblox all of the time.
I remember playing the arcade on a ferry to France as part of a school trip. Best part of the trip was this cab.
Thanks for the memories.
Depending on how far you got, you might not understand it anyway.
Absolutely second Unraid, easy to set up, Parity drive gives you protection against drive failure and dockers are an immense bonus. I have Jellyfish as a docker to serve my media around my home or when I’m out and about. Can use Gelli on Android just to listen to the music on my server.
Other plus, Unraid is essentially a JBOD so you can increase its size when ever you need to.
Think I paid £60-70 about 8-9 years ago and it’s been worth every penny.
Can’t praise it enough.
Bit late to this party but R-Type was one of favourites at the arcades and back when ther were so many outstanding games.
I occasionally get my kids to try them and despite the fact the controls are so much easier they can’t play them, the games are too hard!!!
I feel the same way about their games or at least the controls, I feel like I need to learn to be a court stenographer to use the controls using multiple combos to do something. Pah I say!
Sorry about that, following so many communities at first after joining Lemmy good stuff dropped off the bottom. Unsubscribed to a few so I can catch what I need.
I’ll look up that R-Type post, I spent a fortune on that cab as a bairn I should have shares in Irem.
I grew up on Sinclair machines and yeah the graphics looked like a ceefax page that had died a horrific death but the gameplay was generally great.
Other classic conversions that actually looked pretty good despite the Spectrum limitations and played great were Karnov and R-Type.
Not sure I’m fully onboard with this to be honest.
I mean, we’re all adults living in a civilised society and you missed an apostrophe, it should have been “you’re a cunt”, not youre.
We all know better for next time ;-)
Not seen anyone else mention it so I’ll give a nod to Tron: Uprising. Great voice cast and it had a great ending to lead into season two. Thanks Disney.
Have an upvote. Loved this show and still tell people to watch it. So many brilliant moments from the series and I bring them up to people at work. Sadly missed.
Mama!!! Peekaboo is between two and two thirty right after this little piggy, please don’t mess with my schedule!
Been watching this thinking “WOW the Reddit-ocalypse is happening!!!” Then the site went down. 698 sites had went dark when I last checked.
That would be great for the IOS users Android user here, so I’d like to see Infinity for Lemmy.
Bit late with the reply here but I have a Moto Edge 30 neo and the size is great for me.
People I work with can’t comprehend that I don’t want a TV in my pocket for messaging my wife.