Please explain how is the wrong community for discussion about Lemmy apps for Android.
Please explain how is the wrong community for discussion about Lemmy apps for Android.
How? I’d love to block some instances, but nobody ever fucking explains how.
I don’t care what kind of job they’re doing, I’m not a beehaw user. I find their tone and attitude irritating. If there is a way to filter all beehaw content from my feed, I would love to know what it is.
they’re only 4 admins and don’t really have the capability to moderate that well right now
We know, they continually remind us.
They didn’t ask for one, ramrod, slow your roll.
Since when does Edge flag bots? I legitimately have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t find any information about anything that sounds even remotely close to a baked-in bot flagger in Microsoft Edge.
You said your work computer, do you know what extensions might be installed?
Idk, was it necessary to make your name a reference to reddit? My fuckin’ name is assbutt, dude, the bar isn’t very high here. It’s pretty weird to call yourself ‘snoo’ while you go around decrying the evils of reddit.
By which decree?
Come on, are you fuckin’ serious right now? If you create ‘SnooFuckersAnonymous’ then abandon it next week, what the hell are the admins supposed to do with it? According to you, they have to leave it there, empty and unused, forever, instead of letting someone make something out of it. That is asinine beyond words.
For someone who loves reddit enough to adopt the name of their mascot, you sure don’t seem to understand how it worked. You’re acting as if subreddit requests were exclusively hostile takeovers. Part of requesting a sub was proving that you had made every attempt to contact the existing mods.
Transferring ownership to new mods is basic maintenance in a place like this. Nobody is suggesting we steal communities from their owners and hand them out to trolls.
So you blindly trust your browser rather than doing any investigation of your own? Maybe glance at the person’s profile next time, see if they behave like a bot before calling them out lol
I mean you got snoo in your name, bud, you kinda brought it with you.
There has to exist a process by which new mods can take ownership of abandoned communities. That’s not Reddit toxicity, it’s day to day business.
Multiple accounts is not the same thing as abandoning your profile and instance to start over somewhere else. I have more than one profile right here on kbin, for example.
Regardless, you’ve ignored the entire rest of my comment, and kinda the whole point; people don’t know. How could they know? Where are they going to learn if not here, and once they are here, why leave?
This person is claiming you are a bot, and I am asking for evidence to support the accusation. There is nothing deeper here, but thanks for the diagnosis I guess.
Don’t mistake colorful language for ire. Just because I said “shit” doesn’t mean I’m upset. Imagine The Dude is reading my comment to you with a joint in the corner of his mouth; that’s closer to the tone I had in my head (and it’s not far off from the truth lol). It’s all good, homie 🤙
What basis do you have for this? What do you mean “shows up as a bot”? Their history is no more suspect than your own, there’s just less of it.
I wish everyone would just chill with this shit. It’s been a week, we don’t need hall monitors yet.
Many ActivityPub services allow you to seamlessly transfer your profile from one instance to another. It even sends messages that let your followers update so they follow you at your new address. Moving profiles isn’t a big deal. It’s Ok if they join a big instance at first, and move later.
But do people know that? Not a rhetorical question, I only have direct experience with kbin and only a week’s worth at that. I had only the very foggiest idea what all of this was when I came to kbin and signed up. I’ve learned a lot more since then, but I’m still brand new to this.
If I have no complaints with kbin, why would I be motivated to look for a new instance? Should I be looking anyway? What compelling reasons exist to shop around, as it were?
There are compelling reasons why new folks join big instances and it’s not definitely a bad thing
Seems like the natural progression of this sort of thing, no? Has enough time even passed to tell if this is a problem or not? This is a bit of an aside, but I feel like there’s been a lot of doomposting the last few days about imagined future problems. Have we really had enough time to make any actionable observations?
IDK why is everyone making accounts on the 3-4 biggest instances.
How do you expect a newcomer who has no understanding of content federation to find these low-pop instances? Of course everyone’s joining the main handful, they don’t know anything else exists.
I’d imagine most people coming from typical social media don’t even realize that instances are a thing when they sign up on one. They’ve heard about lemmy or kbin or whatever, so they go to lemmy or kbin or whatever and sign up. Once they learn how it works, they’ve already established a profile on that instance; they’re not going to start over on a new one.
How does that not defeat the entire purpose? You’re suggesting one global ‘sublemmy’, as it were, with one global team of moderators. How is that in any way different or better than what we just left behind?
That is not what they said and you know it, don’t be obtuse.
Of course the CEO of the company gets more freedom than you, a user. Guess what, if you’re in my house you have less freedom than I do. I can do whatever the fuck I want, because it’s my house. You do not get to do whatever you want in my house, because it’s my house. Bold take, I know.
No idea, homie, I got here from All on kbin.