This kind of weird ass pointless parasocial analyzing is exactly what contributes to people stepping down from projects. who cares about some weird ass conspiracy?
This kind of weird ass pointless parasocial analyzing is exactly what contributes to people stepping down from projects. who cares about some weird ass conspiracy?
This is not the first time Malibal made an appearance.
Last time I heard about them, they shafted the CoreBoot people then also banned the several countries from doing business with them.
Malibal is legitimately insane.
Just don’t try to run huge amounts of bandwidth or try to pirate content on it and you’ll be fine. It does need a credit card on file, but it cannot charge it unless you explicity disable free tier.
You can get a quad core ARM 24 gb ram vpn for free on oracle cloud on their free tier.
Best strategy for now is just volunteer a few days with local activist groups. Otherwise one is just letting this happen.
The name has already made this nonviable for the average person
They now want to deport her for hurting his feelings.
Man why did I have to go so far down to find this one? Lol
As you mentioned, this is a hardware thing and the hardware itself must support the codec. You can’t make hardware support something it doesn’t any more than you can download more ram
Aurora Linux to thin day is the only distro that has made me consider giving up my main arch install on my desktop pc, as I enjoy it plenty on my laptop.
This isn’t something that should really be set by users of an app. It should be set by you, as you will be the one to handle user feedback and bug reports.
That being said, bigger releases are a challenge from a debugging report standpoint because you are introducing many more changes in each release compared to a smaller number of charges in more frequent releases. This is why many devops teams in corporate land try to keep releases smaller and more frequent (see also: Agile Development)
Nah, the world uses what’s there. It’s a small subset that even works on them directly. See also: xkcd meme about infra being supported by one guy in some random state.
Imagine being this guy above me and thinking that the percent of people that would switch out from their default shipped DE terminal emulator is anything but a minority 🤪
OP, there are two parts to this.
One is handles by your Desktop Environment for desktop scrolling outside of apps. Others have mentioned this.
The other is handled directly by browsers.
To enable this for browsers:
under about:config
, the key general.autoScroll
needs to be set to true
Chrome (and any electron based apps) needs to have the following additional flag added to launch with support for middle click scroll:
I would also advise you to map 2 of your mouse buttons to scroll up and scroll down, that way you can just hold a key down to scroll instead of shaking your mouse around using the autoscroll arrows.
Welcome to the eventual mirror image in the USA upcoming next year.
Due to tariffs, groceries will go up but no one will blame Trump for any of the idiotic things he will do that will work towards ruining our economy.
Russian media manipulation was simply a proving ground before implementing it in the USA.
Last I checked the discord still has these types of people, so it’s still valid.
If your primary use case of Linux is gaming, choose Bazzite
For all other cases, I highly reccomend using Aurora. personally I use the aurora developer spin that includes extra developer tool goodies
Alternately, you might consider using a Universal Blue image, which is a spin of silverblue that includes a lot of nice goodies like this as well as the full version of ffmpeg, Gpu drivers and some other nice things out of the box.
This is a pretty clear cut case. Vaxry is:
I imagine Ted T’so and dis stupid ‘thin blue line’ comment as well as him yelling at previous rust devs during in person meet ups was not happening in a vacuum.
Linus has really failed at punishing these characters before toxcitiy killed any rust momentum at all.