Fuck it, have my updoot, lawl
Fuck it, have my updoot, lawl
This comment makes your first one even funnier 😆
You could pirate all their stuff instead 😈
We need to hear it. It needs to be pointed out at every opportunity.
Updoot for a great use of the unpopular opinion meme.
Yes. I shared a Star Trek meme with a coworker and they asked me where I got it. I told them about Lemmy and Tenforward and another coworker chimed in with “where every Vulcan knows your name”
Do any true crime shows share profits with the victims they base their shows on?
We didn’t do that last November, why would we start now? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That looks better than the cyber truck.
My daughter dying.
flushes can be a courtesy to yourself.
Not in your comfort zone, but this is something that you can do on your own at least. Try riding a bike, if you’re able to do so. I started a couple summers ago and I really enjoy it. The changes in how far, fast, long, I could ride became a big motivator after a couple of months. When it’s hot, I like it because I make my own wind so I don’t feel so hot. I got some candy to take with me that I only eat on bike rides, and I found a few places that I could ride to to get some ice cream or other treats. If you do decide to give it a go, I would suggest looking around for a used mountain bike to begin with, nothing special, just something that is mechanically sound and easy to ride.
Mass Effect legendary edition.