Then you’re not good, you’re just law compliant.
Mostly on Mastodon, but trying out Lemmy and enjoying it a lot.
Then you’re not good, you’re just law compliant.
The constant attacks against Israel and it’s increasing isolation only probs Zionists right. Jews can only trust themselves for their own defense and need a state for that (that’s what Zionism is). People like you feed Zionism everyday.
Shocking if true
Sorry about your dog. But your example only highlights a tabu issue in these discussions, the negative impact that having a pet has. They consume meat, packaged food, are driven around, attack wild fauna (cats especially) etc. Pets is one of the items everyone should cut, but they’re only becoming more common, like SUVs.
The person under an abusive situation easily loses the car key to the abuser.
Ambulances get stuck all the time in congestioned cities and that’s a problem.
A car should never be someone’s night shelter, that person is homeless in that case. Houses, not cars, can solve the problem.
Want to do a special trip where car is the most convenient option? You can rent one out. If you only use a car a few times a year, buying one is a terrible waste of money and street space.
As far as I know these anti-theft measures they demand are optional in Europe and you pay extra for them. If crime is low is not such an issue not having them. So maybe Chicago should bet on reducing crime instead?
The retirees don’t last so long (sorry), but overtourism is indeed a problem. Finding the right balance is the secret but clearly our politicians are not aiming for that… but in fairness, tourism was fantastic for many years to promote Porto’s renewal. But now it’s time to put a break on it but no one is interested in that :/
As an European I’m extremely confused by this news as well… so Chicago has a high crime problem and the city’s solution is to sue Asian carmakers? Sorry but this only makes sense in the US, I guess…
PS: maybe Hyundai should also sue Chicago city for failing to curb crime, a failure that leads to many car thefts?
You can buy very decent wine for less than 3€/bottle in any Portuguese supermarket 😅
Oh America, come on:
end (and stop exporting) that vicious tipping culture of yours. Just pay decent wages to people in customer service.
change the design of yours bills, make them easily recognizable, with different colors and sizes like normal curencies.
take religion out of the money.
and since I’m at it, end gun culture and disarm your people. Also SUVs, end that too. And introduce controlled prices in health services, regulate, regulate, regulate, till it becomes a functional system affordable by everyone.
Thanks. I would love you so much more.
Swedes pilling up Qurans for the winter to save on wood in 1, 2…
It’s a fascist and imperialistic government, they probably think that the chaos from climate change open opportunities for them… the old “from the chaos a new order will be born”.
Value the freedom to burn corans in Sweden and Denmark. Thousands of people suffer horrible punishments and even death for so much less across the Muslim world. The least we can do in the privileged west is to show them that blasphemy is possible and “God” doesn’t punish anyone. Its zealots know it, they also don’t trust god to punish the infidels, they take the business in their own hands.
I don’t have much hopes for the average African leader… many of them will by this. Europe should definitely focus help and investments on the few African nations with reasonable leaders that don’t treat Europe as the threat and Russia as the friend. Investing one cent in the countries with leaders educated in the former USSR is a waste of ressources, they’re brainwashed since youth. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Padeira de Aljubarrota killed 7 Castillians by cooking them in her bakery’s oven in 1385.
Brites de Almeida das born in 1350 with 6 fingers in each hand, a though lady, could easily kill a man with her hands (and did it a few times), was kidnapped and enslaved in Northern Africa, managed to escape with her bare hands, helped out 2 other Portuguese guys to escape, stole a boat, sailed back with the guys, had a prob with one of them, killed him. Tried to establish herself in a honest way, but crime and murder were always coming her way somehow, ended up moving towns and disguise herself as a man. Met and older lady friend, a baker, that wanted to maker her an honest person. They lived happily as a couple. Older lady dies, she inherits the bakery. Castille tries to occupy Portugal, big battle, Portugal is outnumbered but manages to have a spectacular win. Some castillans are running around and looting. She lures 7 into her bakery, cooks them alive in her oven. Forever a national hero and legend.
Nothing of this is proven, including the Castillans she killed (which is the factoid that made her a hero) but there’re even songs about her and whenever Portugal plays against Spain in football you’ll see some people dressed as a baker on the stadium.
A lesbian serial-killer who escapsed enslavement to kill Castillans in one of the most important battles of our history? To me nothing can be truer than this, independently of what you can prove or not.
they took over a domain used by one of the servers using their .ml
Where did I say that? But if you think a corrupt and poor dictatorship is a good model feel free to move.
PS: actually don’t feel so free about it, it’s a dictatorship and they’re always very careful with their borders… but do visit, it’s enlightening and the beaches are indeed fantastic. The food a bit less though, very bland.
Misleading title. Brexit will not be renegotiated, it’s over and done with. The relation between the UK and the EU will always be an evolving matter (like the relation of the EU and any other country including its members), bit Brexit is done, the UK is out and that’s the new premise of any discussion and evolution of the relation.