Hear hear!
Hear hear!
It really depends what your back pain is from. If you’ve thrown out your back you might need physical therapy or an adjustment before it starts feeling better. Ice definitely helps if it’s muscular. I’ve been on the mend myself this last week from lifting something poorly. https://youtu.be/K8SD47gLB-I here’s the yoga video I always go back to when I do this to myself, usually about once a year.
So much diversity! What varieties did you grow?
For me it’s yoga. Doesn’t have to be long or even a structured session, just taking the time to stop and stretch and reconnect with myself and my body does wonders.
I would totally play this game!
Ohhhh I kept hearing the email analogy but never WHY it was like email. Thanks for the ELI5!
Yep! And your approximate continental situation on the x-axis.
I would recommend spider plants! They are extremely easy to grow and care for, they tolerate many different soil types and moisture levels, and they spread quickly so you can get a whole bunch of baby ones to keep your collection growing. And an added bonus, they are one of the best plants for air purification!
All you need to do is just post THIS