This! I’m from one of those developing countries and using Facebook is a necessity at this point since everything and everyone is in that platform.
This! I’m from one of those developing countries and using Facebook is a necessity at this point since everything and everyone is in that platform.
Ol’ reliable
Latter, i learn from stupid mistakes in the hope to be less stupid lol
peak will be back
i think uBlock Origin can do that too
Kyousougiga represent
ZLS was my gateway to idol anime so id recommend watching the original IDOLM@STER anime from 2011^^
Oh sad to hear, i guess Shelter is the way to go but the separate storage is kind of a pain to deal with
I think Shelter works or you can install Messenger Lite as your second copy
Glad seeing Blender getting picked up more
I made a promise to myself stay away from Facebook as much as possible. (Pretty hard to do here in SEA)
Guessing [deleted] by the poster, [removed] by mods