Math is hard
Math is hard
That’s a risky congrats. Maybe she really likes beer and cake.
“It a shit design” is rich coming from the guy whos company can’t get panels to line up on a car.
Unisex bathrooms or bust
The permeant stranger
Sounds like a typical response from a forum.
Just always walk twords the sun
There are “Preppers” and there are people who actually prepare for when things go wrong. Preppers seem to me like someone who watched a few too many survivor man and YouTube clips and decided to make a personality out of it.
I don’t mind tech, i hate bad tech
Well if they improve the feed of the death row members maybe they will taste pretty good
Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, it would be an easy transition
Cool, do they offer whistle tips?
Crypto? Yes, I know what a pyrimid scheme is.