For the rest of the country, it would be Quebec
For the rest of the country, it would be Quebec
Fuck off with the big pharma apologetics.
Boo hoo the corporation got millions in taxpayer money to develop a vaccine and now they have to profit off of it. I feel so bad for them.
This is subtle astroturfing.
What do you mean “nothing to do with”? The title literally says “the opposite of planned obsolescence”, which is planning the failure of a device. This is showing the planned continued use of a device when parts of it fails.
Normalisation in culture has effects on how people behave in the real world. Look at Japan’s sexualization of women and minors, and how they have huge problems with sexual assault. It’s not about whether or not real children are getting hurt, it’s about whether it’s morally right or wrong. And as a society, we’ve decided that CP is very wrong as a moral concept.
They had that before but it kept getting vandalized
Pessimism is so addictive. I’ve struggled with it a ton throughout my life.
I get your statement but it’s really overly violent, and honestly sounds kind of libertarian. More guns & more violence really will not solve anything. If you get violent all you do is justify violent means for your oppressors. In this day and age, there’s no winning a fight of violence against the government and groups you disagree with. There’s far better alternatives that we have. The benefit of capitalism is that it means the only fucking thing that works against the power structure is to scare them from losing control of their capital. I guarantee en-mass “voting with your wallet”, and literal voting, will have a much better effect than arming up.
Also, you’re free to call Nazis, Nazis. Nobody is stopping you.
Pessimism literally helps nobody, it just makes people more depressed and less likely to do anything about a bad situation. Don’t forget that last election had one of the highest young voter turnouts ever recorded, and was by far a huge swing to liberal. Since then the Republican party hasn’t even been close to as organised as they were during 2016 and 2020.
Change can and will happen. It already is, albeit slowly and with bumps along the road, just like any progression in society.
Yep, forums don’t grow overnight! We’ll get there someday.
I get that people could be more curious about their cars, but hiding an emergency release like some kind of hidden book on Hogwarts that you have to yank on seems like a dumb idea. Car doors have established design language, and if you break that design language it has to be pretty fucking obvious how to do the action your users were trained to do.
A very good explanation. Thanks!
White noise podcasts are usually an hour or more of literal white noise.
Many people have been using Spotify for podcasts since they were introduced to the platform in 2015. The app has features specific to podcasts, and why wouldn’t you want all your audio entertainment in one place?
Holdup, why is this being posted on movies and film??
That’s that og Reddit spirit I crave
@thedude currently pays for the server out of pocket and ultimately has the powers around here, but chooses to run the server diplomatically along with their admins/mods. There are some ideas in the works about how to pay for the server including buying our own hardware and crowdsourcing costs for hardware/energy use.
This comment is weird? It reads like an ad lol.
How dare you raise that abomination of “coffee” to this honourable Australian’s name.