Hi, I like to learn about what resources are out there on the internet. I hope you have found my posts useful!

  • 22 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I know right? Open source hardware has so many potential benefits over commercial. Significantly decreased price, privacy, good documentation, right to repair, no conflict of interest and potentially one day performance. Imagine we have engineers from across the world improving a single computer chip design, generator design, solar panel fabrication process, or maybe even perhaps an open source fusion reactor blueprint someday in the next 20 years (pun intended).

    I’m seriously considering starting something like this myself. Open source blueprints for power generation/energy storage (regular batteries, thermal sand resevior based batteries, hydro power generation), water filtration, machine tools for fabricating anything, CNC machine, plasma cutters, hand tools, etc. Basically everything you could need to live Open Source.

    The problem as always is getting enough designers, engineers, and volunteers.

  • Conflict of interest is the best explanation. The goal of search engine companies is not to provide information as efficiently as possible but rather something else entirely.

    A lack of competition is another factor as well with the monopolization of Google, Microsoft, etc. There may exist better search engines, but the average joe, and even some of us, have trouble finding them. The quality search engines don’t get a chance to expand and or are bought out like with Altavista (Regarded as the best search engines from the golden age). For example, crowdview.ai is the best search engine (outside of kagi from what I’ve heard) but I’m unsure if they will be able to stay afloat for a long enough time to get a chance to expand and take shots at Google.