It’s like the opposite of Johnny Knoxville dressing as an old guy
Give me an hour with stable diffusion and I’ll do it.
Stop running through my head
Fool me once,shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on… Me
Fool me thrice… you fooled me I can’t get fooled again!
The trick is to not have friends sucka
Please sign up for patreon.
I’m positive they made a backup before announcing the change. We would have to edit the comments to something not easily detected like random words.
You can avoid giving them hits by pasting the url into sometimes
Yea I had to swap my icons… Easy way to break the habit.
Yea I’m actually glad there’s an exodus of people who care. The ones who don’t, I don’t care about them either.
Difference here is, I don’t rely on reddit for income and have nothing to lose. They do.
Big difference to a random coke and a flow of constant power that literally costs less than a cent to charge a phone.