I mean I could just spray a hose up there, couldn’t I?
I mean I could just spray a hose up there, couldn’t I?
We had the roof replaced two years ago. I believe they redid all the flashing at that point. So there’s a chance this could be old? If the leak is resolved, which I’ll verify, do we have to do anything to the wood or are we good?
Pinback’s second album, Blue Screen Life. I even bought high quality headphones at the stereo shop next to the music store just to commemorate the occasion.
And I assume the line branches before it travels up into the walls? Or is there a chance it branches after it leaves the crawl space, in which case you could consider opening a wall for the valve.
Heh. Not even fixing it.
I can’t imagine it would be more than a couple hundred bucks assuming they can find an accessible point for it. Mine is in an unfinished room at the corner of the basement where the main line comes in and replacing it took the plumber life twenty minutes.
You can ask the plumber about coordinating with the city for shutoff. Maybe they’d know a guy?
But definitely don’t mess with it if. In my case I couldn’t find my external shutoff when I needed that internal one replaced so I had the city come locate it for me. They uncovered the plate, tested the valve and it broke immediately. Fixing it was a major excavation. The city guy told me how lucky I was that I hadn’t found it and tested it myself.
One key to happiness for me is to start from the assumption that I’ve been unclear.
This feels like reading a language that you only kinda know.
Ok so in defense of dumbasses, we don’t always understand the question. Eg, whose left? In those cases we don’t want to make your clarify the question and drag things out, so we give you what we hope is an unequivocally clear response. It comes from a deep-seeded fear of miscommunication resulting in too many mailboxes with their flags on the wrong side or whatever. We apologize for the pedantry, though. I get that it’s annoying.
Lol. That one makes me strip a gear.
Although completely reasonable, I fear that your conclusion is inaccessible for most folks.
And as a pedestrian, I’m all for a system that’s capable of reducing distracted driving.
Malazan Book of the Fallen is one of the best brick walls I’ve ever put my head through.
I know it’s for advertising but there’s a paranoid little corner of my mind that imagines insurance companies paying for some of these, uh, “user insights.”
I’ve only heard that second one in Swedish. I don’t know if it’s originates from Sweden, but it rhymes.
Thanks for the link. That was a really good read. Even better on Doctorow’s own site, I think, because of all the extra links he provides.
Hejsan! Jag är amerikan men bodde jag i Sverige några år sedan. Tack så mycket för dina råd. Det kan var lättare i Sverige för sådana saker, tror jag.