GMC Hummer EV Pickup Truck
…yeah, we are a very dumb species and it’s good that we’re going to go extinct in WW3.
GMC Hummer EV Pickup Truck
…yeah, we are a very dumb species and it’s good that we’re going to go extinct in WW3.
Well if they make a Cybertruck 2 that’s lifted and looks like the Dildozer, they might have a new market. It’ll get 50 miles per-charge, but it’ll intimidate their neighbor’s kid, so it’s worth the $380,000 price tag (financed, of course).
Mods can’t remove it from your own page. I’ve had mods where this happened confirm that, etc. I’ve also specifically had an issue with spez before, have called him out after, and those specific comments were removed, even comically non-rule-breaking comments.
But if someone responds to me calling it out, he doesn’t touch it. And it’s always right around 4PM.
Trump is a moron who is courting WW3. Also water is wet. NEWS AT 11!
What? These companies advertise to lefty-folks all the time!? They very much represent several different target-markets. Left-wing folks tend to have that middle-class to low-upper-class money. MAGAts are mostly in the lower-middle to low-class grouping, with a sprinkling of rich folks. Yeah, you can sell them some stuff, but how’s that My Pillow guy doing? lol.
As far as your Coke ad goes…okay, that’s the kind of dark where even educated folks would be confused. I’ve had this idea for a Fanta commercial where’s it’s just a bunch of Nazis marching lockstep to the “don’t you want to Fanta Fanta” song. I feel like it highlights history appropriately, and also hits Coke in the face. But overall, I feel like folks would still get bored of it…even if they got the jokes (which a lot of folks wouldn’t). No viewers, no bargaining-power with advertisers.
Am I gonna get banned for upvoting this?
Yes, that’s how I figured out what was happening. And I’m not shadowbanned officially. If you’re officially shadowbanned you can appeal it. On /appeal it says I’m not banned and can’t appeal. Further I’ve confirmed with other mods that I’m not banned/etc. from their subs…but I have called Spez out a bunch. And honestly, I think he and I get done work around the same time or something, because my [removed]s only pop up around 4PM in the evening. If I wait and go back, they don’t get removed at first…and if folks upvote or comment, usually they don’t get removed later. It’s been going on especially for a few days now, though it is tapering off a bit. I think maybe he’s getting bored.
It’s not the mods. I’ve talked to the mods of various subs where this happened. Mods can’t [remove] it from your own profile. Only admins can do that.
Oh for me? Well I know it’s definitely happening now. Shit’s gotten crazier. And, overall, well I pissed off Spez. Nothing special. The motive is…pettiness? They even removed this comment:
And I confirmed with mods of various subs that I wasn’t banned/shadowbanned, e.g.:
I…actually would enjoy that for a month. But I feel like whoever did it would eventually get lazy and comfortable from their riches, and so the advertisers would know what they’re getting into. Alternatively, the person making would NOT get lazy, and would go for really really controversial topics, like holocaust-denial, or promoting child-rape. So either way, viewers would leave. I don’t see a good middle-ground where it actually works.
I’ve been there since 07. Since like 2022/3, they started getting weird and have permabanned me a few times (never happened before).
I created this account here after the last permaban, which I appealed along with the others…and somehow magically they gave me a sheepish apology and unbanned my account?! I’m kind of over it. But I’m still there. And there are certain communities there which aren’t easily replicated here, like /r/phillywiki. But…I’m over Reddit for the most part. It’s the people I’m not over…
So I had the [removed] thing happen before on every sub but /r/conservative. IDGAF about the conservative one. /r/marchagainstnazis, I did say something that could be construed as advocating violence. I said something about Nazis staying visible so we know who to put against a brick wall after this is over. Vague…but yeah, I get it. Though I comment there regularly, without issue, until I call this out?
/r/law, they [remove]d me when I said " I would vote for her for POTUS in a heartbeat. But flyover country would never let a black woman be President; it’d undermine their dumbshit egos too much. Imagine Obama’s presidency, but ALSO a woman…we’d have someone new and worse that Trump building an alt-alt-alt-right incel circlejerkoff cult, and rising to power by spouting memes and literally showing up to debates and such in unwashed sleepwear.
…and they’d win, because grandpa thinks they look like “good wholesome” (read as “white”) boys (read as “males”)."
Which was also [removed].
And I don’t know what I said in /r/worldnews.
But okay. So you’re saying it’s a subreddit based shadowban? Who initiates that? And more importantly, why is it removed from my profile? Sure, remove it from your sub…but I should be able to reference my own words outside of a sub.
I think it’s only on certain subreddits though?
So /r/law was in the link above as [removed] and I just tried posting something VERY innocuous there, and here’s what happened within SECONDS:
And it doesn’t happen always on /r/marchagainstnazis, after the BS:
Removed by mod
Lol, I love it.
…my cracked version of Adobe CS6
After spending some time in that circle, it drives me insane that the biggest idiots in various fields are the ones ostensibly in charge of them. They toss buzz words with confidence each other in a great circle jerk of money while their results are frequently no better than luck.
It’s the “Peter principle”:
The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to “a level of respective incompetence”: employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.
Because we don’t have every resource in the world contained within our small slice of a single continent? Not to mention, it isn’t 19-dickety2, so Europe and the rest of the world aren’t brain-draining into the US as much as they once were, thanks to local-stability and our newfound US-instability. And, speaking of which, thanks to the morons grabbing the wheel and directing us into a brick wall, well…that brain-drain we benefitted from since the Nazis…yeah, the opposite is happening now. Turns out smart people don’t want to live under fascism…weird, I know. Why can’t they just hate the same people I hate???