Why would you sign it?
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Pronouns | They/Them |
Job | NYS Software Engineer |
Notice: This user is an employee of United States of America, New York State. All posts, comments, or statements are not representative or reflective of their position.
Why would you sign it?
Ooo, Salty Sausage or Savory Sausage?
I love pineapple, the sweetness goes great with other savory toppings.
Fedora Atomic (Fedora Silverblue).
You can choose the KDE spin if you want.
Bazzite is Fedora Atomic but for a more gaming focus.
I find comments questioning Lina to be incredibly sus in origin and intention.
I hope Lina & Cyan are safe.
Didn’t they literally invite Bibi to Moscow the other week?
Okay so, When I was a kid my mom warned me against cookie dough being dangerous.
Perhaps others had a similar experience?
Perhaps it was a generational trauma we missed?
Thank you!
Ooo, does the ripple seep into the vanilla creating a yummy gradient?
Ooo, That’s super cool!
It’s like, all the berries combined.
Ooo, that sounds like a smacker.
How does it melt?
Can you ask your parents?
What kind of nuts?
I am loyal to myself and my ideals.
I also swore loyalty to the USA & NYS, but that’s minor.
Did it involve honeycombs?
I learned to like it because of Johnny Test, it still is great.
What is it made of?
Orange sherbet was also a thing my step dad gave me, he’d always be excited to bring it home.
Did the blue make it taste like blueberries?
Oh god no not Matrix