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fucking nice… is that on their public eu domain? having trouble finding it but probably looking in the wrong places
anyone feels like pm my dumbass the loc or give a hint, i’d appreciate it
edit: also tried dht (qbittorrent, solidtorrents) but no joy there either
edit2: to fellow drunken fools:
is that on their public eu domain?
the ansqer is ‘yes’. See: /public/Random/torrents
edit3: had a few drinks and forgot to add the one i got from eu domain… brought qbit up again after i sobered up and it still had the dht search open and so I figured why not and retried it… and now it was showing up there too (via bt4g dot org). go figure
now i just need to free up enough space to acually dl it (it has things packaged as multiple ~8GB .7z files, so anybody who was hping to pick-and-choose based on what you want subs for, sorry to disappoint; gotta dl whole thing and extract to do that … so really you need quite a bit more than 90gb if you account for the archives + whatever size of extracted files is)
well, also it was not long ago with a short-time frame…
If it all turns out to be a prank / main account was hacked / etc, great … but could see someone who expects a lot of negative feedback or even somene who have a lot going on offline not really bothering to look at commentss
plus we all knw silent legal / state presure is a thing… rarbg, kat, and many others had people willing to take over but ithink they got legal pressure to stop.
my plan is just have a few glasses of boubron and relax. we are hydra and all that lol
hey’re now owned by Kape Technologies, a company that used to do bloat/malware development to do shady data mining.
not a new thing. been that way fr years nw. sucsk but there apps are stlll foss (on github), still 3rd pary audite, and ii still havent been sued for downlodaing shit lpl
an they have wg. but you neeed to clone their git repo and run some shit to generate it. i wish it was just a simple conf file like ovpn but something about auth token i think. idr
I have encountered some annoying “prove you are human” prompts when using Google Search so I mostly use DuckDuckGo.
same. searx.be anohter good one
prety sure MAM dont allow vpn
I think there hasn’t been a release this year without subs in the container.
there are for sure tv releases that are missing subs. also some that h=as subs but text is wrng… specialy sutff like lower-sizd encodes. havent watchd muhc movie this year so not sure on those.
but fuckyeah i apriciate when teams include subs in there relases
ain’t got none but hyptotheticaly, sure. better’n them gettin busted with a dcma or whatever cuz they dont know how to chekc for dns leaks and use failsafes to block non-vpn access. most of us started off and had to lern ho wto do shit the reight way. why nt help em do beter
i woldnt want my kibds to be soem kind of normies that dont even know wtf a vpn is
FOr anyone else reading this while slightly inebrinated, note: AR = AlphaRadio (a private tracker). Nothing happening to the Arr tools.
Everyone else, pardon my and my whiskey.
sites that allow users to download the audio from YouTube URLs
you guys use sites for that? I just use vpn + yt-dlp
Is why I like to have multiple aliases and always connect via vpn… harder to sue me if they can’t figure out who I really am.
On that note, it would be really cool if there was a TOR-based github alternative (or even an I2P-based one) for hosting project repos somewhere that take-downs have no effect and servers can’t be seized. Anybody aware of anything like that? then again, I’m not even sure how I would configure git
/ ssh
to use a TOR-based server lol
From a less selfish perspective, if it exists in decent quality on public trackers, I’d rather contribute to keeping it alive there, where more people can access it.
This is the way. If more people did this then arguably no one would even need private trackers…
my bad. deleted my previous guesses since it seems i missed a few key words there
I don’t know enough about ovpn or wireguard to know how that would help me…
OpenVPN and Wireguard are different protocols that VPN providers can use. Technically, there are also groups and client apps of the same name for both too. I think there are other protocols too (pretty sure there’s one called IPsec and maybe some others) but OpenVPN and Wireguard are 2 of the most common. Wireguard is newer and generally is regarded as faster than OpenVPN protocol but there are some privacy issues with it if using the unmodified version. Some VPN companies use a modified version of WG that address those issues (Nord and PIA). But since customers can’t inspect the server configs, I would definitely recommend only using VPN companies that have undergone a third party audit to confirm that they keep no logs and have a server configuration without privacy issues (off my head: PIA, Nord, Mullvad, expressvpn, surfshark, cyberghost).
Is that not a VPN/tunneling that you have to have both sides to use?
Yes, if your VPN provider doesn’t have servers configured with Wireguard, then you can’t use it. And even if they do, it probably won’t be all the servers so you need to choose one with it. So if say your provider was Nord. Nord calls their modified WG as “NordLynx”.
If you wanted to connect to Nord’s WG (aka NordLynx) servers, AFAIK you have to use the official Nord client app. Some providers might release a WG config file that you could use to manually set it up but last time I checked Nord only offers manual config files for OpenVPN (here’s an old reddit thread basically saying the same thing). This is annoying if you are trying to have a setup where you can switch between multiple providers and protocols easily (like me) or in places where you can’t install client software (like routers) but probably not a big deal to most users connecting from a computer/tablet/phone/etc.
For PIA, it is similar although they don’t rename their Wireguard as something else. But again, they don’t provide manual WG configs and you have to use their official app to use it. However, they do have some github repos and more technical users can run some scripts to generate temporary manual configs (my understanding is that unlike the OpenVPN manual configs, these will eventually expire and you will need to rerun the scripts again at some later time).
I used Nord proxies when I still used uTorrent, never had issues. I’m definitely hardwired, and my isp is shit, don’t get me wrong, but the only change I can see is qBit and proxies. I tried every server they had available, and the issue just stops when I don’t use their proxies. Maybe I should try proxies from some other service, but I’m not really in a place to shop around… and I don’t know that free vpn services have proxies that you can try.
Not sure. Hard to debug without concrete details and I’m probably not the best for that anyway. Could be proxies; I connect to vpn servers but not via socks proxies so not sure how those are different speed wise.
If not that, could be qbit settings or version (several years ago some various builds of qbit could be hit or miss but I thought that was more or less done with nowadays). If you are interested in working it out, my recommendation would be to take some screenshots of qbit settings. Then create a post asking about improving qbit speeds and also list a) who the vpn provider is - nord or whatever you use now, b) how you are connecting - nord app or proxy url etc, c) if you are testing with same torrent in each, then what kind of approx numbers you are seeing in qbit and what you expect based on network test. That would probaby be enough info for folks to help you get it sorted and would be a good resource for anybody else having similar troubles.
in any case, seems to be working for me now. same pc, same vpn, same dns, connected via same vpn server. so no clue
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lol good points and so true. reading this just makes me think of the old quote If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that law only exists for the lower classes. When I think of record labels and big film companies, let’s just say that the first thing that comes to mind isn’t starving artists but coastal elitists getting pissy bc they can’t charge people even more.
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Appears to be down now, getting 500 proxy error. If it matters, I’m on vpn, like any good sailor ought to be
Looks like I was wrong…
this is from an older thread before the final closing announcement: