Telegram is not Russian. The creator is, but that is about it.
Well, it’s Bri*ish humor
So anyway I started rewinding
Honestly missed opportunity that Voyager didn’t have like a Lemons episode or something
Rangers reach Cheyenne Mountain, and stumble upon Level 27/28
Funnier would be Edgerunners + 2077 lol. So, a prequel?
Cities Skylines and Star Trek Strange New Worlds… how is that gonna work?
My city can’t be assed with proper bike lanes, who do you think will pay for those chargers? In fact, who will pay for those EU mandated ones?
Yes, those are much more trustworthy than audited closed source projects. Just saying that “anyone can check” doesn’t mean “someone will check”
They do, in the nearest coal power plant. :DE:
Judging by 74 up 48 down many agreed with him
But someone has to actually go and check, instead of going “someone else will check it”
MAS all the way
“jUsT uSe sTrEeT cHaRgErS”. I had a conversation like this here a while back. That person just didn’t accept that no, the city won’t spend millions of Euros on street chargers for apartment dwellers.
Wait really? Are they that much more efficient?
Default front page yes. Customized with my data, no not really